Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 12 July 2017
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Make a wire wreath frame with wire and cover it with growth mesium or moss to design on
Conditioning new growth and sprouts are difficult because the little sprouts have not had time to fully develop its cellular structure to survive being cut and taking up water on...
Splitting the chopsticks or a wooden branch, such as a willow twig creates a natural (and glue-less!) clamp.
Tie Midelino Cane coils to make a spiral armature
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
By making a very secure armature, it is possible to stack and suspend loose twigs on top of it building on the stable foundation
Glue a few twigs to display Autumn flowers and foliage on
Glue potting soil to polystyrene to create a natural looking armature
Glue a few wigs to follow the shape of a glass bowl to create a disk armature
Favourite Flowers
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Curly Willow, Chinese Willow, Tortured Willow, Globe Willow, Dragon's Claw, Hankow Willow
Related Designs
My article and willow birdcage design for wedding rings featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.
A delicate winter twig armature to show off the delicate beauty of these early spring coloured tulips.
Cut stems of Gladiolus to place in a radiating summer design.
A clever trick borrowed from art techniques to add dimension to a bright and colourful Autumn floral design.
Grass crisscross that makes you want to lean in closer to count the late summer raindrops around these gorgeous roses.
Exploring two soaking techniques for a subtle early autumn design
A take your time and mindfully craft a pretty design to celebrate the summer solstice- it is officially summer here in Canada.
A tiny carry basket to gather the shortest stems from your cutting garden... with a place for water and your cutters.
A bit of a rethink as the season is getting ready to change. How can I give my design idea a fresh twist?
A bark support to display the most delicate Spring floral treasures.
I wanted my parasol design to be thoroughly me, and thoroughly contemporary yet respectful of the guiding rules and methods shared by the different schools of Ikebana.
I wanted my Hazel twig wreath to look like forest filigree: mysteriously overgrown, tangled with age and dappled with moss and lichen. The wreath is also dressed with fresh and...
Floral Craftsmanship Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine
My design entered for evaluation at the Floral Trends Design Group meeting in South Africa
Instead of weaving a platter try stacking the twigs from large to tiny small
Designing adventurous Contemporary Floral centerpieces Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine.
An Autumn Equinox design that captures the moment before the spectacular colour burst of autumn floats around again
Celebrate the bright colours of autumn with lilies and Chinese lanterns
This was my last two designs for my It's High Time for Tea Floral Craft and Art Demonstration at The Capilano Flower Arranging Club meeting