Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Counting Raindrops
- 4 August 2021
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but happy



the first rain drops fall


a heatwave…


kind of happy
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Craft a light and airy grass halo to suspend tiny drop crystals around gorgeous roses.
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.
Preserve some floral material to design with when it is but not quite Autumn outside.
Glue twig snippets to closely follow the shape of a glass vase
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
Glue a few wigs to follow the shape of a glass bowl to create a disk armature
Carefully glue a twig armature to display the mini-miniature Darling orchids
Craft a suspended armature to create a clear winter design.
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
The dry wheat stems are suspended from the outside of the container so that they remain dry and the flower stems can gently rest inside to remain hydrated.
A glued snipped to create a cooling cone for dangling orchids
Glue a band of snow dusted twigs to create a delicate armature for winter treasures.
Light and airy... like a wonderful breeze on a hot summer day grass and erigeron display.
Tangle jasmine vines outside a vase for a transparent screen to display floral details on and around a sea horse vase to display floral details in.
Floral styling using mostly dried material that will last the entire Autumn.
A fragile looking heart made from twigs that can hold a lot of orchids
Stand tulips upright in a shallow container with a suspended twig armature.
A delicate winter twig armature to show off the delicate beauty of these early spring coloured tulips.