My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Every. Single. Week.

 Every.  Single.  Week. floral art design

This week, 8 years and 496 designs ago...

Upright tulips

…just over 655 Tutorials and Tips ago…

Tulips in a winter floral design

... I added my first design to the My Creative Workbook website!

Winter inspired flower arrangement

That means I have added one brand new design… and at least one Tutorial, most times more…

Standing tulips upright no foam

Every. Single. Week...

Contemporary flower arranging mechanics

No excuses, no exceptions, no maybe later's…

Minimalist winter flower arrangement

for 8 years straight.

Tulip floral design recipe

Not even one single week missed!!!

Twig armature for a winter flower design

Happy anniversary to us. My website started as a place for me to keep all my creative projects to refer back to- I am so happy you found it as well!

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


16 January 2019 Delicate Twig Hammock Armature to keep tulips upright in a shallow container

Craft a suspended armature to create a clear winter design.

28 December 2016 Adding snow to twigs

Glue artificial snow to twigs

22 May 2012 Bite and snap a sturdy twig

Break the sturdy twig on the scribe line.

14 November 2018 Create a break in a willow twig to support a flower stem

Break a willow twig at and angle to support your flowers

24 July 2012 Blow away hot glue strands

When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.

1 April 2015 Hana-kubari Bamboo

Hana-Kubari is an Ikebana flower mechanic. Only natural materials such as pebbles, sticks and branches can be seen to support the flowers. Traditionally no twine or wire, nails,...

28 January 2015 Well Rooted Sprouting Willow Weave

Weave a sprouting armature

26 April 2017 Hana-Kubari twig

Slip a twig over the side of a container to keep an elegant flower stem upright

20 April 2016 Free standing Willow twig armature with a hidden water source

Cut a few willow twigs to split to create legs for the armature

18 January 2017 T-connect twigs to shadow a design

Split a twig to create a t connection to hover a twig over the design

Favourite Flowers



Related Designs

6 March 2019 It almost happened today!

Craft snow puddles to keep your flowers upright

17 July 2019 … and... a bit more... effort… to make it special

Instead of just placing a handful of twigs and two stems of sweet peas in a vase... why not...?

1 January 2020 How to freeze a wow moment

Create a long lasting winter inspired floral design that looks like it is frozen in time.

1 April 2020 Hang in there!

Keeping this tulip upright requires less magic and more hot glue skills... but it looks magical never the less.

24 March 2021 To two too!

A Spring Tulip celebration design... with a special message

28 April 2021 Here comes the sun...

A minimal design celebrating the new growth on twigs

4 August 2021 Counting Raindrops

Grass crisscross that makes you want to lean in closer to count the late summer raindrops around these gorgeous roses.

29 December 2021 It’s the most… it’s the most... Toast-iest Patina Christmas of all!

This is the sixth of my Christmas 2021 series of designs. This year in the form of a mini workshop… my Christmas present to you. This week I will show you how to go overboard on...

19 January 2022 Thaw

It's Tulip Season! Perfect for that "it's still winter ... but is that something green I see...?" mood designs.

23 February 2022 Plan Together

Leaning Muscari flowers in a snow covered twig armature.

9 March 2022 …. Aaaaaand tick!

Ever wonder how I decide what I share with you? A fun design ticking all the boxes.

23 March 2022 Chockablock!

Luxuriously filled design... filled with flowers... filled with grass. But most fun, for us as designers filled with hidden techniques

1 June 2022 Found it!

A very secure thorn branch armature to hold overgrown Tulips in place

28 December 2022 Giving a nod

A scattering of winter decorating for wherever you might need it.

4 January 2023 Around and about the new year

A glowing cranberry ball for frosty evening decorating.

8 February 2023 Snow… drops

A late winter design for minimal floral styling.

12 April 2023 The word we are looking for is… fun

A leaning twig armature with both the first signs of Spring and the last signs of winter.

7 February 2024 Knot... that easy

An all natural shallow container design solution...

10 April 2024 (if only) I can see you

Tangle jasmine vines outside a vase for a transparent screen to display floral details on and around a sea horse vase to display floral details in.

16 October 2024 And there you glow

A glowing autumn display of vases to scatter around every here and there.

8 January 2025 this IS new

Growing a design... all new... and fresh and blooming well into New Year.

29 January 2025 Alrighty then

A fragrant spring display... but make it still look like winter

14 November 2018 For just this moment… let’s take a break

Simplicity to showcase the perfection of the Lisianthus buds

26 April 2017 In no time at all

Hana-Kubari twig armature

5 July 2017 Just A Bit

Glue a bit of grass snippets to suspend over the design

25 June 2014 Fine Tune

Thread cane through sticks to make a music inspired armature

1 April 2015 The Space Between

Traditional Hana-Kubari flower mechanic