Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
this IS new
- 8 January 2025
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The first part that is set about to appear

the prelude, for a start, to emerge

it’s beginning to get ahead and certainly is cropping up

as a starting point where we get down to it and finally turn up

and debut the early stages of launching into making an appearance

at point one where we get cracking on getting it off the ground…

... and bloom!
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
This design takes a few weeks to make... but lasts a few weeks longer growing and evolving all on its own.
Create a dry layer by placing a smaller vase inside the larger vase
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Glue glass chips into a half moon to help keep the floral details in place.
Sharp thorns can be used to keep your floral details in place
Wedge snipped twigs into a glass vase to act as a support for your flowers
The tiniest twig peg keep the vines from spilling out of the minimal double vase display.
Give new life to an old vase by turning and balancing it on it's side. It's actually easier than it looks... and it looks super impressive!
Cover a Styrofoam shape with bark to create a bowl for a potted design
Easy to weave design that can hold your prettiest autumn design treasures.
Craft a suspended armature to create a clear winter design.
Favourite Flowers
Granadilla, passionflower, passion vines
The white variety is referred to as paper white, the yellow is known as a daffodil.
Related Designs
My bag was woven from re-purposed wire and recycled fishing line and tiny stems of growing sweet pea plants and orchids
Designing for somewhere not still summer not yet autumn weather...
Perfect for summer designing with some space for the vines to continue to grow in your design.
Ooooh! Am I excited to show you this design. It is an ordinary fishbowl vase... balanced on it's side.
Glow and sparkle bark armature to celebrate the first signs of Autumn
Sometimes you find such a beautiful plant that you just can't bring yourself to cut it. This design explores using the entire plant, pot and all, in a design
My Floral Hurricane design entry for the BC Floral Art Society mini show competition
A visual breather from all the bright and festive designs to come when designing for Autumn.
Stand tulips upright in a shallow container with a suspended twig armature.
After a long winter it is always fun to use the first spring bulb flowers!