Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Frosted Glass Chip Edge for a glass container
- 31 January 2024
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Measure out the edge of your display container. Mine fits perfectly in a pie dish. If you don't have something that the container can fit into to use as a mould simply draw the outline of the container on a piece of paper and shape the glass chips around that.

Line the circle with plastic wrap.

Place a chunk of the frosted glass chips in the container and use hot glue to glue a smaller chip to that.
Design note: I use hot glue because I want to use the chips again for another project. It is easy to remove the glue by simply soaking the chips in hot water. If you want to permanently secure the chips use super glue.

Build up the glass chips around the edge of the circle.
Try to add the glass chips so that it looks "edgy" by not stacking them too neatly. Allow the points to point into all directions. This also gives you a creative edge when you start designing! I explain more in our email this week. Feel free to reply with a comment or question. I would love to hear from you. Please keep in mind that these are not automated replies. I personally reply to each and every email and it takes me a little while to get back to you.
The sign up is below this post if you want to receive the Wednesday morning (Vancouver time) email with a Tutorial specific tip the moment the design is ready for you to view.

Create a more solid structure in the middle of the glass edge and taper it off to the tips with smaller glass chips.

Adding in smaller and smaller chunks and securing it with glue.

Crafting a frosted glass halfmoon edge for you to design with.

Lift the glass edge out and place it on your display container. Wiggle it a bit to make sure it fits securely.
Book readers turn to page 126 You can also complete the circle and use it as a collar or cover for a design.
For more information about my book:
The Effortless Floral Craftsman

Carefully fill the display container with water without getting the glass chips wet.
Also... if you do not have this kind of vase I have four examples of how I positioned display containers to give you a similar angle in the Tutorials below to use as inspiration.

Strip away the foliage from a few passion fruit vines...

Let the vines curve around the display container using the glass edge as an anchor point. See our email for more details.

Add in the pure white Phalaenopsis orchid and reposition the passion fruit tendrils to drape over the flowers
and also... isn't this pure white Phalaenopsis orchid amazing? It is extremely delicate and fragile... but... wow!
Finish the design with a few dew drop crystals. See the detailed Tutorial below if you want to see how I do this without damaging even the most delicate flowers.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
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Favourite Flowers
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Granadilla, passionflower, passion vines
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