Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Just... the Most
- 24 July 2024
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There are some that are kinda like or even almost like. But...



Just the Most


Most you-est You!

Well done you.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
The tiniest twig peg keep the vines from spilling out of the minimal double vase display.
Create a dry layer by placing a smaller vase inside the larger vase
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Create a foam free stacked design by slipping flowers between stacked bowls.
Slip a leaf into the gap between two glass containers to keep it upright... and add a plastic lining to support the flowers nestled into it.
Design in two levels by using two vases, the smaller slipped into a bigger one.
Trap air between two vases to create a third circle... and frame for a small feather hint to a hopeful Spring
Trap a bubble between two shallow containers to float clematis flowers for Spring.
Putting the focus on the flowers with an ever changing design.
Great craft for when you are tidying up the garden before the first frost but would still like to enjoy the vines for a bit longer.
Only a few stems create an impressive display if you allow the water to design with you.
Related Designs
Growing a design... all new... and fresh and blooming well into New Year.
It deserves a bowl all of it's own... right? I am (of course!) talking about these spectacular little sweet peas called King Tut. Not much else is needed. But add a cute little...
Stack two vases to create a small gap at the side to keep a leaf upright
That good old double vase trick... but this time I deliberately added a bubble between the two layers to create a third circle in the design.
Ideal design for those flowers that needs a deep soak to remain hydrated.
Using that little something that is unusual about your flower to make the design stand out.
Time to cut down vines... and enjoy them a bit longer in a Halloween display.
Stack a few glass containers and fill each with water to a different level.