Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
That good old double vase trick
- 22 January 2014
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Create a dry layer by placing a smaller vase inside the larger vase

The two vases create a double layer

Pour water in the larger vase.

Place a few pebbles in the dry inside vase.

Add a few silver marbles

Sprinkle a thick layer of wax snow to float in the water.
See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to make wax snow

And the slightest of dusting of snow to settle on the pebbles and marbles.

Arrange the fresh plant material in the water to stand (for the most part) parallel.

Any shape of vases can be used to create a glass layered design

You can even use more than two glass containers
Using the glass layers:

Place a candle in the dry inside vase and arrange the plant material around it

Or place a few skeleton leaves in the dry outside vase and flowers and water in the inside vase
See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to make skeleton leaves

Slip a few play cards in the dry layer and arrange the flowers in the inside

Or post a secret note...
Or fruit... or weave some foliage... or add a few rose petals. Such a versatile trick!
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Artificial snow can be very "chemical" and flowers deteriorate quickly when exposed to it. It also dissolves in water. I use candle wax as "snow"
Remove the pulp from leaves so that only the vain framework remain
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