Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 13 November 2024
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It happens right after the days grow shorter and the Fall wind sweeps its most impressive swirl.

The candies have a lot less apple in them...

and the corn no longer fits in its ucopia.

The fires are all bonned out,

the pumpkins pretty much patched

… and all the Jack o's successfully lanterned.

You can just feel it in the air…all that crisp turning to cold… that’s when Fall merrily let’s go of all it’s spelling

… and this year’s sparkly Fa la la’s tumbles our way.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
A double vase to keep the bit of sparkle you add to transition a Fall design into Christmas nice and dry... while the fresh plant material remain hydrated.
Break the water flow when you fill a vase with details in that can move with the stream of water
Cyclamen stems are so close together that it is easy to damage the plant when cutting stems.
Sometimes the best way to hide something in your design is right in the open
Create a dry layer by placing a smaller vase inside the larger vase
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Wrap and tie a fishbowl vase with corn foliage to craft a lantern for autumn... almost... Halloween.
It’s amazing how we sometimes try to complicate a design. I tried adding calla lilies… took them out and loved the willow. Added gerberas. Took them out and loved the willow....
The wire spirals are supported on wire sections pressed into the wax
Connect twigs with puddles of artificial snow to craft a winter armature for your flowers.
Artificial snow covered cardboard mittens to add to a winter themed design.
A design that is aged to ring in the new. Perfect for the a New Year's celebration.
Crystal clear floral design for winter styling
Perfect design for a warmer than usual winter design that hints at thawing.
Take your time to weave a pointy hat from what you find in nature.
Favourite Flowers
Cyclamen, English sowbread
Related Designs
Create a almost wreath floral display that is light and airy... looking like it was just harvested.
Oh my... a corn leaf mummy head for autumn... looking ahead to Halloween styling.
A wire Christmas star with a secret plan to hide the twinkle
Wire spirals twisted around candles to make small Christmas trees for the Christmas Eve dinner table
...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box snow mittens… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...
This is the sixth of my Christmas 2021 series of designs. This year in the form of a mini workshop… my Christmas present to you. This week I will show you how to go overboard on...
Fragile ice baubles, cyclamen and moss design
Place a small fishbowl vase at an angle to look like it is pouring out flowers and twigs.