Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Spiral wire support pressed into a candle
- 15 December 2011
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Loop bend wire sections at one end with pliers

Pour boiling water into a cup

I use boiling water to heat the wires to press into the wax. I dont use a flame or direct heat because I find it makes the wire black that in turn makes the wax black with soot. Let the wire sit in the boiling water for a few minutes to heat

Press the wire into the wax with pliers

Turn the candle, now add the second wire a little higher. Make sure it is stable.

Continue adding wires in a spiral up the candle

Curl a few strands of wire into spirals by wrapping it around a sturdy paper tube (or wooden stick). Slip off and pull out the spiral.

Feed the wire spiral into the candle support wires

Add a second wire spiral to create a network for the flowers to rest in

Decorate the wire spiral trees with crystals, beads and a few strands of fishing line and tinsel

Glue a few tiny test tubes into the wire structure. You are now ready to start adding the flowers into the design
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