Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
How do you do?
- 22 January 2014
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Sometimes you...

… can do...

… quite simply...

… because it is...

… inconceivable..

… that…

... you…

... can not do.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Create a dry layer by placing a smaller vase inside the larger vase
Sometimes you want to keep flowers in tight bud for as long as possible to suit your design
How to keep Lilies in bud for longer. Removing the pollen. Stringing a Lily Garland.
Conditioning new growth and sprouts are difficult because the little sprouts have not had time to fully develop its cellular structure to survive being cut and taking up water on...
Artificial snow can be very "chemical" and flowers deteriorate quickly when exposed to it. It also dissolves in water. I use candle wax as "snow"
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
Stack a few glass containers and fill each with water to a different level.
A submerged design... perfect for summertime designing... and enjoying!
While waiting for the blossoms to open... why not weave in a touch of Valentine's Day love?
Using that little something that is unusual about your flower to make the design stand out.
It deserves a bowl all of it's own... right? I am (of course!) talking about these spectacular little sweet peas called King Tut. Not much else is needed. But add a cute little...