Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
The word we are looking for is… fun
- 12 April 2023
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Here’s how I see it:

If you are ever

scared that your design idea

is going to be a failure… have fun creating it instead.

How can anything you had fun creating

ever, ever be a failure???
Over the coming months I will start showing you a bit more about my small balcony cut gardens. I have always been reluctant to show it because… well… it is completely… fun.
It is designed and grown to be cut from. It does not always make gardening sense- I will, for instance, sacrifice flowers for an abundance of vine. That's why it works... for me. To read more about the
My cut flower balcony garden
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
A last lean towards winter as the snow melts and the Spring flowers starts to make an appearance.
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.
This design can easily scale up or down by using larger or smaller pieces of wood to create a larger wall panel or make a few of these panels to stack as tiles to create a more...
Line a shallow container with fiber to create a mat for the flowers to hydrate and stand in the exact way you want to place them.
Frost a few twigs to craft a delicate armature for fragrant freesias
If you know just a bit more about the "why" we do the things we do it is easy to discover new "how's". This week I show you why it is possible to design with blossoming twigs in a...
Light and airy addition to a floral design to celebrate summer
Capture Spring for just a little bit longer by sticking blossoms down, in place.
Snowfall twigs with a light glow garland for a minimal winter display
Perfect design for a warmer than usual winter design that hints at thawing.
Place a fully opened lily over the opening of your vase to help support more delicate stems
A well made snow covered twig band armature will last all winter so that you can display even the most delicate winter treasures.
Crystal clear floral design for winter styling
Related Designs
My article and a floral panel design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine
An "it's only 10 days to Spring" design to display some blossom buds.
Stand tulips upright in a shallow container with a suspended twig armature.
A delicate winter twig armature to show off the delicate beauty of these early spring coloured tulips.
Blossom petals drop so quickly! Here's a way to make them last just that little bit longer.
Place a small fishbowl vase at an angle to look like it is pouring out flowers and twigs.
Ever wonder how I decide what I share with you? A fun design ticking all the boxes.
Glue a band of snow dusted twigs to create a delicate armature for winter treasures.