Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Just A Bit
- 5 July 2017
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You start with just doing that first bit,

… and then a bit

… and a bit,

… and a bit,

And a bit more...

… and then a bit

… and a bit

… and a bit

And before you know it you have a whole lot of done bits.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Glue a fragile sheltering net to soften the look of a summer design
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Slip a twig over the side of a container to keep an elegant flower stem upright
Split a twig to create a t connection to hover a twig over the design
Cut a few willow twigs to split to create legs for the armature
Hana-Kubari is an Ikebana flower mechanic. Only natural materials such as pebbles, sticks and branches can be seen to support the flowers. Traditionally no twine or wire, nails,...
Split bamboo stems to create a water source for dancing orchids
Splitting the chopsticks or a wooden branch, such as a willow twig creates a natural (and glue-less!) clamp.
Latch a few bamboo pieces together to create a scaffold for the flowers to hang from
Cut short bamboo lengths to keep your flower material upright in a shallow and narrow container
This is a perfect do-ahead-of-time hanging design for a summer wedding. Craft one or three or a whole lot of the lanterns and add some orchids at the last moment to finish the...
Related Designs
Some designs really do just make themselves. I received this tiny vase for Christmas from Marius (thank you, Marius!) and while cleaning out my design room I found this little...
Create a minimal design with a few leaves to keep is all upright.
Stand tulips upright in a shallow container with a suspended twig armature.
A fun Spring and Easter design with stacked eggshells.
Split a few bamboo sections to create a happy water source for miniature orchids
My article and Bamboo Lantern design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine