Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Twig sparkler
- 12 July 2017
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Shape a wire frame

Glue willow twigs to the frame

Glue the twigs so that it radiates out from a central point

This is quite a heavy design. Make sure the twigs are glued in more that one spot

As a rule of thumb I glue each twig to connect at three places with another twig. This creates a strong and stable armature

Fill out the radial design with some thin stems

Add sprouting stems of willow in water tubes. Cross the stems and break the radial pattern slightly to create visual interest.
See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to add new growth to a design

Make sure the water tubes are concealed.

Add a few more water tubes for the orchids and place some moss and dew drop beads.
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