Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Twig Shooting Star
- 29 January 2014
- click to send Christine a smile

Make a small wire circle

Cut a few twigs to the same length

Bind the twig to the circle with bind wire. Cross the wire over to the back.

And back over on the other side to create a cross over pattern

Cross the wire at the back

Wrap the wire around at both sides of the cross and move both ends of wire to the side

Add another twig and repeat the pattern

Continue binding twigs to the circle

First cross the one half of the wire over

Then the other side

Fold both wires down

Fold the first wire between the twigs and around the circle

Catch the wire circle with the other wire before adding the next twig

Keep adding twigs all the way around

Secure the last twig and cut the wire short

Fan the twigs open and place it on a flat working surface

Cut some more twigs

Glue the twigs over the bind wire

Add twigs to cover the wire all the way around

Slide in smaller twigs to fill any gaps

Glue in diagonal twigs to give the armature strength so that it keeps its shape when hung up

Keep adding the diagonal twigs

And test the structure for stability. Try wiggling the entire armature to see where ypou should place the next diagonal twig

Twig shooting star armature ready to design with
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