Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
A little bit of Art and Soul
- 24 July 2012
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I was interviewed by Alicia Schwede and featured on the floral art blog Flirty Fleurs as Fabulous Florist. Flirty Fleurs is a beautiful blog about flowers and floral designers who make them into art.

It’s not just the little bit of sticks, twigs, leaves and flowers that make up a design.

There is also a touch of something…

Something much less tangible,

something added that is so part of the designer

that it changes a little bit into a whole lot!

Thanks Alicia for the interview and featuring my design work on Flirty Fleurs!
Alicia Schwede is a well-known florist designing beautiful floral details in Denver, Colorado, USA. You can visit her blog Bella Fiori
Note: "Give a little bit of Heart and Soul" is an 80’s song by British pop band T'Pau
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This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.
When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.
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Time Saving Tips and Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine
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