Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Stick it out… the creative spirit version
- 14 October 2020
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A pinch of creative follow through

A dollop of imaginative keep on

Stir in some clever hold on

Cover and set it in a warm place to artfully endure

Kneed down to a sticky stick it out of imaginative-ness

And bake slowly in an oven set on inspirational persevere

… share if you have some inventive hang on left over.
ps: have you noticed the more creativity you share the more you have left-over??? Weird that.
I would love to see what creative projects you have been working on. Maybe you have questions and need some advice. Or have a fun tip to share. The easiest way for us to connect is for you to simply reply to the weekly notification email I send out every Wednesday when the new design is ready for you to explore. I reply to each and every email I get (although some weeks it takes me a little while to get to everyone...)
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving week, flower friends
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Place the floral details strategically on the edge of sturdier parts of the armature to keep the reed grid from collapsing under the weight of the floral details.
Strip the green bark from the stems to expose the smooth wood
When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
Add a bit of shadow and dimension to a flat armature by using the sketch technique of cross hatching.
Glue a few wigs to follow the shape of a glass bowl to create a disk armature
A great do-in-advance and reusable design solution for a winter, early spring floral display.
Crafted from a hand full of twigs to give you a large design... even though you add only two stems of sweet peas.
Create a light and transparent collar-base for the large composite flower to nestle into.
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Favourite Flowers
Inca lily, Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas
Related Designs
The dry wheat stems are suspended from the outside of the container so that they remain dry and the flower stems can gently rest inside to remain hydrated.
A clever trick borrowed from art techniques to add dimension to a bright and colourful Autumn floral design.
A delicate winter twig armature to show off the delicate beauty of these early spring coloured tulips.
Glue a fantasy forest from Popsicle sticks, grape vine tendrils and willow tips
A creative design that has some height to it without blocking the view. This can easily be scaled up or down to match the environment you want to display it in.
Instead of just placing a handful of twigs and two stems of sweet peas in a vase... why not...?