Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Jack Frost’s Christmas stocking
- 29 November 2011
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Christmas Flower Trends 2011 A Contemporary twist on Traditional Christmas Style details

The Christmas stocking is one of the most endearing symbols of Christmas.

This year I used wire, fishing line (mono-filament) and Phalaenopsis orchid roots to make a messy lace Christmas stocking.

I dressed the stocking with frost green Cymbidium orchids

and the tiniest ice pellet beads to add sparkle on the orchid roots.

Beautiful diamond cut crystal stocking stuffers spill out of the stocking.
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I call this “lace” because I use pins to guide the wire sections together- almost like you do when making lace.
How to condition Orchids to use as plants in an arrangement without placing the roots in a growth medium
Curl the wire at irregular intervals to create a natural wire tendril similar to that of a passion fruit plant
Favourite Flowers
Cymbidium, Boat Orchid
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
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