Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
First Frost Sparkle Wire and Twinkle Vine Wreath
- 8 November 2023
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Shape wire into a circle the size you want the wreath to be.

Twist in wire around this basic frame to create the wreath frame.
I explain a bit more about this way of crafting a wreath frame in our email this week. It is a great way to design a wreath that you intent to use again because it gives you design options for adding more details later. If you are not yet receiving my Wednesday morning (Vancouver time) email you can sign up below this post. This is also a great way for us to connect. Simply reply to the email if you have a comment of questions... or say hi. I would love to hear from you.

Twist and weave your way all around the frame.

Twist and weave in a fairy light all around the wire frame...

Every here and there wrap the fairy lights around your finger to curl it like a tendril.
See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to curl wire tendrils

And add the fairy lights all around the wreath frame.

Wrap the battery and switch in the wire to secure it to the wreath frame.
Next I added the frost...

Pour out wood glue on to the wire...

And sprinkle artificial snow on to the wire...

... And switch to somewhat conceal it.

Once the glue is completely dry the frosty wire wreath frame is ready to design with.

Glue in a few winter twigs...

... Every here and there around the frame.

Wrap wire around a few water tubes...

And wire them into the frame.
Book readers turn to page 175 of my book to learn more about adding water tubes into a design. Pay special attention to the bit where I discuss how to position stems so that they remain hydrated for as long as possible in whatever position you place them. Especially in a wreath design where you are likely to position the stems at different angles. Each angle requires a slight adjustment.
For more information about my book:
The Effortless Floral Craftsman

Strip most of the foliage from a Love in a Puff vine... beautiful, right?

Fill the water tubes with water.
I used both these glass seahorses and a glass water tube for the seed puff. This is a great design to use your prettiest tiny glass water tubes because they will be seen. If you have small empty perfume bottles.. use them. They will look so pretty! Even small budvases. Again see our email it will explain how you can rest the bottles in the design.

Place the vine into the sea horse water tube...

And weave the vine through and around the wreath frame.

So that the bright green vine twirls all the way around the wire frame.

With a special water tube to keep the seed puff hydrated right there to be the center of attentions dangling like a bauble in your design.

Glue in a few glass icicles...

To dangle down the design.

And finish the design with a few dew drop crystals for that last bit of sparkle.
See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to add the crystals without disturbing your delicate design details.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
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