Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Getting a head start on all that Fall-ing
- 23 September 2020
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Of yellowing grasses…

and the very, very first pumpkins

and that eager bright coloured leaves in a forest of still mostly green getting a head start on falling down

and baskets

and so many tendrils

… and the relief of those cooler rainy days

and the first time reaching for that one cozy, cozy can-only-be-worn-when-in-between-weather-arrives sweater.
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Preserve some floral material to design with when it is but not quite Autumn outside.
Use all three methods to dry hydrangeas to get three very different textures to use in design work.
When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.
Glue twig snippets to closely follow the shape of a glass vase
Create a light and transparent collar-base for the large composite flower to nestle into.
A great do-in-advance and reusable design solution for a winter, early spring floral display.
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
Crafted from a hand full of twigs to give you a large design... even though you add only two stems of sweet peas.
Favourite Flowers
Hydrangea, when cultivated as a cut flower rather as a plant it is often revered to as Hortensia
Related Designs
Grass crisscross that makes you want to lean in closer to count the late summer raindrops around these gorgeous roses.
Using that little something that is unusual about your flower to make the design stand out.
Exploring two soaking techniques for a subtle early autumn design
The dry wheat stems are suspended from the outside of the container so that they remain dry and the flower stems can gently rest inside to remain hydrated.
A creative design that has some height to it without blocking the view. This can easily be scaled up or down to match the environment you want to display it in.
Instead of just placing a handful of twigs and two stems of sweet peas in a vase... why not...?