Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Take it for a Spin
- 6 April 2016
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Tape a grid over a vase to keep the floral details in place
Fishing line creates an invisible grid over a shallow glass cake stand to support the plant material
Most stems, twigs and even sturdier branches can be bend into shapes. It takes practice and more than a bit of patience. The main idea is to slowly manipulate the branch without...
Twirl twigs to create a balanced nest to display the beautiful orchids on
Favourite Flowers
Curly Willow, Chinese Willow, Tortured Willow, Globe Willow, Dragon's Claw, Hankow Willow
Related Designs
Create a grid to rest some plant material so that it floats and some with their stems to rest in the water below
My article and willow birdcage design for wedding rings featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.
I left the grass to mature so that the tips mirror the sun bleached yellow of the orchids.
Blossom petals drop so quickly! Here's a way to make them last just that little bit longer.
A simple way to keep the plastic mesh the pumpkins are sold in from becoming trash: wrap it around the container as an armature for a quick Fall design. Replace the flowers as...
Weave an all natural net to place over a vase to keep your flowers above water.
A take your time and mindfully craft a pretty design to celebrate the summer solstice- it is officially summer here in Canada.
Light and airy... like a wonderful breeze on a hot summer day grass and erigeron display.
A bark support to display the most delicate Spring floral treasures.