Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Coil wire and grass to create a spring frog
- 1 February 2017
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Match your wire against a dowel stick for proportion.

Wrap the wire around the dowel stick

Move down the dowel to create a continues coil

Allow the wire to slip off the dowel and continue to wrap

Open up the coil slightly by stretching the spiral

Let the two ends overlap to create a circle

Secure the wire ends with pliers

And start on the next spiral

And the next spiral and the next... and the next. Continue to spiral the wire and combining the coils

For my design I spiralled three coils

Slip a blade of grass through the wire...

... and spiral it around the coil.

Slip in another blade of grass and spiral

and another

Continue to cover the wire by gently curving and coiling the grass around the spiral

To keep my wire in place I made a grid of sellotape over a flat glass container
See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to make a grid with sellotape

Place the grass coils on the grid, add a few loosely curled blades of grass and fill the container with water before adding the fresh flowers
See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to curl grass
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Wire and fold a flat leaf to create a support to rest flowers on in a flat container
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