Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Dream, Job
- 7 June 2017
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Some days it is all dream, dream ,dream and very little job gets done.

And that is ok.

Some days it is all job, job, job and but some dream also gets done.

And that is ok.

But most days it is all in there together, dream and job, and they look a bit the same... and the real work gets done.

And that is ok.
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Tape a grid over a vase to keep the floral details in place
Cut the Phalaenopsis orchid with a bit of green stem attached. This will make them last longer.
Twirl and wrap wire and lily grass around a dowel stick to create a spring frog
Wire and fold a flat leaf to create a support to rest flowers on in a flat container
Multiple tiny twigs create a flower frog to keep the delicate buds and leaves in the exact spot you want.
Flowers naturally float in water. They just don’t always naturally float on water. For that they sometimes need a bit of help.
Cellophane and plastic wrap in a clear vase, filled with water, creates a cracked ice effect
Favourite Flowers
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Related Designs
I left the grass to mature so that the tips mirror the sun bleached yellow of the orchids.
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A simple way to keep the plastic mesh the pumpkins are sold in from becoming trash: wrap it around the container as an armature for a quick Fall design. Replace the flowers as...
Weave an all natural net to place over a vase to keep your flowers above water.
An early Spring design with a twist on using an old favourite: composite flowers.
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Light and airy... like a wonderful breeze on a hot summer day grass and erigeron display.
There's no need to rush the seasons. Take it slow and enjoy the plant material that are still available even if you are excited about what is to come...
Tulips are so perfect just as they are all that is needed is to simply drape their graceful leaves around the flowers
Is it better to go Cold Twinkle Turkey and embrace the minimalist living room or rather ease into it?