Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 22 February 2017
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Nothing we see

or hear

is perfect.

But right there in the imperfection


perfect reality
Quote by Shunryu Suzuki
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Here is a trick to make sure your tulips will condition thoroughly
Tape a grid over a vase to keep the floral details in place
Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.
Tulips continue to grow after being cut. Sometimes when you make a very small design or for competition or bridal work you want to minimize growth. The best way to do this is to...
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
Create a grid to rest some plant material so that it floats and some with their stems to rest in the water below
This is a great "space-keeper" design. The tulip will continue to grow into the vase height as they open... but until then the grass platform part of the design diverts your...
That good old double vase trick... but this time I deliberately added a bubble between the two layers to create a third circle in the design.
Luxuriously filled design... filled with flowers... filled with grass. But most fun, for us as designers filled with hidden techniques
Manipulate fresh willow stems to create a sprouting armature for long tulip stems
Wax and Rainbow Oasis keep the flower heads in place.