Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
One of one of everyone
- 19 March 2014
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This month marks the third anniversary of My Creative Workbook.
Let’s celebrate by revisiting the most popular Design Tutorial:
Using bubble wrap to make a raft to float flowers.
Since I posted this Design Tutorial in January 2012, it has been viewed by 33,000 unique visitors.
Which made me wonder...

Did you know...

that about one percent of all the visitors to any blog or website will stay and visit for a while?

And then one percent of that one percent will take further action

and click on a vote button

or tell someone about the site,

or write the blogger an email

or subscribe to the newsletter.

That is one of one of everyone!
I have met some of the loveliest, most talented, sweetest people through My Creative Workbook and am truly thankful for all the visits, the encouraging emails, supportive tweets, the votes and for everyone who is sharing my work.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Flowers naturally float in water. They just don’t always naturally float on water. For that they sometimes need a bit of help.
Conditioning new growth and sprouts are difficult because the little sprouts have not had time to fully develop its cellular structure to survive being cut and taking up water on...
Curl the wire at irregular intervals to create a natural wire tendril similar to that of a passion fruit plant
Break the water flow when you fill a vase with details in that can move with the stream of water
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
Create a grid to rest some plant material so that it floats and some with their stems to rest in the water below
The third design I did for my book launch demonstration looking at aspects that influences my effortless style of designing.
This is one of my best known and still my go-to core techniques for floating flowers.
It's Tulip Season! Perfect for that "it's still winter ... but is that something green I see...?" mood designs.
Luxuriously filled design... filled with flowers... filled with grass. But most fun, for us as designers filled with hidden techniques