My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Clematis Vine Swing

Manipulate the vine so that it can be woven

Manipulate the vine so that it can be woven.

See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to prepare stems for weaving

Curve the vine

Curve the vine into a circle to begin weaving a tiny wreath.

See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to weave a wreath.

Weave the stem end tendrils into the wreath

Weave the stem end tendrils into the wreath.

For my swinging nest I wove three larger wreaths and one small one

For my swinging nest I wove three larger wreaths and one small one. The size of the wreaths depends on the size of the container you want to fit into the swing. The one smaller wreath is used at the bottom to craft a base for the vase to rest on.

Weave a longer vine through the wreath

Weave a longer vine through the wreath. Slip it through until about midway so that the wreath rest in the middle of the vine.

Let the wreath catch on a vine stem tendril

Let the wreath catch on a vine stem tendril.

Weave this vine stem tendril around the wreath to secure it

Weave this vine stem tendril around the wreath to secure it.

Weave in a second vine

Weave in a second vine and secure that with a stem tendril.

Weave the tendrils around both wreaths to secure the vines into place.

Weave the tendrils around both wreaths to secure the vines into place. Make sure the wreath is secure because the container rests on this part of the swing design.

Fold the vines up and place the other wreaths inside

Fold the vines up and place the other wreaths inside.

Position the wreaths so that the container will be able to be nestled into the cavity

Position the wreaths so that the container will be able to be nestled into the cavity.

Secure the wreaths with stem tendrils from the vine.

Secure the wreaths with stem tendrils from the vine.

Measure out the hanging part of the swing

Measure out the hanging part of the swing.

Carefully curve the vine

Carefully curve the vine.

Curve the other vine on the same side

Curve the other vine on the same side.

Weave the two vines to combine and secure with stem tendrils

Weave the two vines to combine and secure with stem tendrils.

Measure out the other side so that it is the same length

Measure out the other side so that it is the same length.

Weave the vines together and secure with tendrils.

Weave the vines together and secure with tendrils. Pick the swing up to test if it is secure. Add tendrils where needed.

Fill the container with water and place the flowers

Fill the container with water and place the flowers.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


19 February 2013 Manipulating stems: Snapping at an angle, Bending, Spiraling, Curling and Straightening

Most stems, twigs and even sturdier branches can be bend into shapes. It takes practice and more than a bit of patience. The main idea is to slowly manipulate the branch without...

1 November 2011 Weaving a twig wreath

For my design I wanted the wreath to look wind blown so I added a few loosely woven twigs into the weave. I also wanted to emphasize the autumn colours so I added a twirling...

11 February 2015 Stripping foliage from weaving stems

Remove foliage from stems to weave with

14 March 2018 Willow birdcage

Weave a willow birdcage to use as a wedding ring box

24 May 2017 Designing an odd one out wreath

Adding floral material to a wreath design

24 May 2017 Chain link wreath weaving

Weave a few small wreaths to connect

7 September 2016 Willow flower crown

Loosely weave willow tips to create an ethereal crown

24 February 2016 Willow Spring

Set willow tips into a spiral to create a spring design

8 April 2015 Cane and Willow Nest Shaped Basket

Weave a nest for Easter eggs

25 January 2012 Weaving Willow spheres

I build up the spheres by weaving willow wreaths and then use those to shape the ball

21 March 2018 Craft a Spring basket from a wreath

A wide gap nearly basket for nearly spring

27 September 2017 Tendril vine Wreath Pumpkin

Reshape a vine wreath into smaller wreaths to combine as a pumpkin

11 April 2017 A little nest for Easter chocolates that naturally hooks over the edge of a container

Weave a tiny nest with a twig hook so that you can hang it in a design

3 July 2013 Messy summer floral nest

Wrap and weave and twirl and dangle foliage to create a spiral nest

Related Designs

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5 September 2018 Wreath Vine Season!

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9 January 2019 Magical Craftsmanship

My article and winter white Tulle bridal basket design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.

13 May 2020 be MINDFUL of the invisible stuff you add

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10 June 2020 All Out

An all out effective way of keeping a flower stem in the exact spot you want it to be in a clear water vase design.

19 August 2020 All round pretty sweet and short

Frame a passion flower in a vine wreath for a short lived but so pretty arrangement.

3 March 2021 Spring Tray-ning

A Spring basket design for catching falling blossom petals.

7 April 2021 First we learn HOW to design… and then we learn how only WE design.

Whipped up to be light in the Spring breeze wreath design.

12 May 2021 It’s up there

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28 July 2021 Linked This Way

A fun way to elevate a few bud vases into a display.

22 June 2022 You Say Tomato I Say Tomato

Tiny tomato vine design to celebrate Summer.

1 March 2023 … ish

An early... ish Spring basket glued from blossom twigs

24 May 2023 everywhere IS nature

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28 June 2023 Catch and Release

Ah... yes summer time designing. Anyone else seeing more insects hiding between the petals this year?

24 January 2024 I mean… really!?!

Using fresh twigs to bind a little twig platform to suspend the beautiful orchids from.

6 March 2024 A Stay Open

Grow a willow birdcage... with a bit of a Spring flower support to get it started.

20 March 2024 the arc of Success

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Gorgeous Aquilegia vulgaris spring flower... with it's own springy thing!

2 October 2024 Brewing some inspiration

Autumn harvest willow for a double the pretty plaited flower support

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Rooting clematis cuttings in a harvest wreath basket

26 February 2025 “Ha ha ha weeeeee!"

Beautiful iris wreath kebab to chase away the winter blues

26 March 2025 Spring Roll

oh yes... Spring is definitely rolling in with some fresh growth on the willow just to prove it!

14 March 2018 Old, new trends

My article and willow birdcage design for wedding rings featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.

24 May 2017 Link

weave a few wreaths to link

7 September 2016 You are all invited!

My article and Willow Crown design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

24 February 2016 How to make an early Spring

Roll and set willow twigs into a spring

8 April 2015 Just think!

Weave a nest for chocolate Easter eggs

30 July 2014 See you around

Weave a few spheres to create a simple design

21 March 2018 Bring some Spring

Just like the weather is only hinting at spring, so is this design only hinting at being a basket

27 September 2017 As tendrils tend to do

Curl a wreath with tendrils to create a twig-pumpkin

11 April 2017 Well… we did it again!

Blossoms and chocolates for Easter

3 July 2013 Of trust… and belief… and stars…

Weave and wrap and twirl and knot a summer floral nest