Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
springy, Spring, spring
- 3 April 2024
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oh no, no, no this is not just any springy, Spring, spring ...

it is an




Spring… and a very energy efficient storage device!

you know...

... just in case someone asks.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Wind vines into an all natural armature to display your first of many... perfect... Spring flowers.
Most stems, twigs and even sturdier branches can be bend into shapes. It takes practice and more than a bit of patience. The main idea is to slowly manipulate the branch without...
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Long, long, long lasting display that will even root in place with a few adjustments.
Grow your own willow birdcage in a small pot to display Spring flowers in.
Tiny stems are often also delicate stems... place your cut flowers directly in a small glass of water. A perfect fit for this basket.
For my design I wanted the wreath to look wind blown so I added a few loosely woven twigs into the weave. I also wanted to emphasize the autumn colours so I added a twirling...
Water... lots of water- that is the answer to designing flower arrangements that survive the summer heat.
Weave tiny vine wreaths on the leave stems of a stripped Wisteria vine
Related Designs
My Spring/Easter design and the introduction article about my floral journey written by the editor, Nina Tucknott in the latest issue of Flora Magazine.
Grow a willow birdcage... with a bit of a Spring flower support to get it started.
A tiny carry basket to gather the shortest stems from your cutting garden... with a place for water and your cutters.
Ah... yes summer time designing. Anyone else seeing more insects hiding between the petals this year?
My article and Willow Crown design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine
Using fresh twigs to bind a little twig platform to suspend the beautiful orchids from.
My article and a floral parasol design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine
Take inspiration from a traditional Dream-catcher design to create a floral armature
Delicate cherry twig, rosary vine and oncidium orchid enchanted forest masquerade masque.