Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 11 March 2020
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We are continuing our month long first birthday celebrations of my book with another design... that I really wanted to show you. Now if you already have a copy you know it is a rather big book. But I so wanted to show you more of this particular design. I quite like it! But there was no space. Fortunately for us... the internet is a big space! So here we go: you will find it on page 195, where I talk about creative hydrating solutions.

from Wikipedia: “Dancing in a circle is an ancient tradition

common to many cultures for marking special occasions, rituals, strengthening community and

encouraging togetherness.

The dance can also be enjoyed as an uplifting group experience

or as part of a meditation.

Circle dances are choreographed to many different styles of music and rhythms.”
Source: Wikipedia Circle Dance

Oh yes... I am dancing a happy dance! Thank you so much to everyone who has entered my book giveaway.
This is the last week that you can enter. Here is how:
To enter the draw to win a copy of the craftsmanship edition of my book please tell me:
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What is your favourite thing about the My Creative Workbook website?
What do you wish were on the My Creative Workbook website that is not there yet?
Simply reply to this week's newsletter email.
This giveaway is only open to Newsletter Subscribers
I will pick a winner on Tuesday 17 March 2020
... and if you want to purchase a book at Canada Blooms in Toronto this week (or make use of the offer to order from Amazon) here is the special details for you:

Hope to meet you at Canada Blooms this week!
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Weave a wreath around a cardboard circle to create an almost lace effect... perfect to capture those first signs of Spring!
Most stems, twigs and even sturdier branches can be bend into shapes. It takes practice and more than a bit of patience. The main idea is to slowly manipulate the branch without...
When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.
For my design I wanted the wreath to look wind blown so I added a few loosely woven twigs into the weave. I also wanted to emphasize the autumn colours so I added a twirling...
A perfect way to use a Lathyrus vine after all it flowered
I wanted my willow armature to hint of a web-like dreamcatcher that grows in the wild rather than being a precise replica of the traditional craft technique. But I did weave it...
Favourite Flowers
Dancing lady
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This design requires a bit of prep-time so it is perfect to make while waiting for the first autumn leaf to appear…
Keep you fresh plant material hydrated in water... and your dried plant material suspended to keep it from falling into the water.
Using fresh twigs to bind a little twig platform to suspend the beautiful orchids from.
Gorgeous Aquilegia vulgaris spring flower... with it's own springy thing!
Every designer knows how to stretch their supplies. We use and re-use our dried plant material until our fellow designers feel like hiding it from us. I formed such an...
Delicate cherry twig, rosary vine and oncidium orchid enchanted forest masquerade masque.
Take inspiration from a traditional Dream-catcher design to create a floral armature
Japanese aesthetic, wabi-sabi, acknowledges three simple truths:nothing lasts, nothing is done, and nothing is perfect.