Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Brewing some inspiration
- 2 October 2024
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Inspiration doesn’t just happen.

You have to brew some.

Very much, like coffee

You need to look around for some raw magic beans (… that suits your taste)

and let them roast for a while

and grind them up in particles tiny enough so that when you pour your hot water of experience over it, it can extract the flavour.

Next you filter it through what is so uniquely you, to catch it drop by drop…

and compost what is not.

And then… flower buddies you have a cup of freshly brewed inspiration to make with it what you want.
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Here it is: the first of my first autumn harvest of willow from my willow coppice I am growing in my balcony garden. It is working spectacularly well!
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Braid bundles of twigs to create an armature for flowers to dance in
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It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Tiny stems are often also delicate stems... place your cut flowers directly in a small glass of water. A perfect fit for this basket.
Weave willow between the fork in a twig to create a paddle like armature
Favourite Flowers
Curly Willow, Chinese Willow, Tortured Willow, Globe Willow, Dragon's Claw, Hankow Willow
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