My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Lily grass spiral in a vase

Place a bundle of lily grass in a vase.

Place a bundle of lily grass in a vase

Add a second bundle

Add a second bundle...

Keep adding bundles of grass to almost fill the vase

Keep adding bundles of grass to almost fill the vase. For my design I used nine bunches of lily grass

Gather the bundle of grass

Gather the bundle of grass...

And gently twist the blades

And gently twist the blades

When you release the grass it naturally falls into a spiral.

When you release the grass it naturally falls into a spiral.

Move the blades of grass so that you have a puddle of water in the middle for the orchids

Move the blades of grass so that you have a puddle of water in the middle for the orchids

Add the orchids to nestle in the grass, using the blades to help the slippers stand upright. To add visual interest I added a few curled lily grass blades. See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to curl grass

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


15 April 2015 Stretching leaves and foliage into a ringlet curl

Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.

1 May 2012 Cinderella Spiral Pumpkin from Midelino Cane Coils

Tie Midelino Cane coils to make a spiral armature

7 May 2014 Rethinking the traditional Komiwara technique

Komiwara is a classic and traditional Ikebana technique used in a Rikka design. Designers would usually bundle straw to keep the flowers in place.

Related Designs

22 June 2016 Perfection

Spiral grass to create a nest for the lady slipper orchids

19 July 2017 Meraki

A grass armature for one perfect slipper orchid

2 August 2017 Grace

Use snips and snippets and leftovers to create a design of it's own

21 February 2018 Impossible things

A cut stem flower frog for the heavy Hanging Heliconia flowers

30 January 2019 Around Here

Wind lily leaves to spiral around in a water filled container.

14 August 2019 For a longer lasting Summer

A creative way to keep foliage hydrated for a cool, water filled summer design.

28 August 2019 But... what are you Like?

A fun design... with a hula skirt (...for the cool summer breeze to arrange and rearrange)

8 July 2020 Super Cute!

A simple placement of bud vases... with the tiniest of lemon coloured twist that makes them unusual.

17 February 2021 From here in out

An all natural, zero waste design using only plant material.

19 May 2021 In the little gap

Use the petals of your flower to cleverly keep all the other floral details of your design firmly in place.

20 July 2022 The tiniest drop

A radiating summer design that waves in the slightest of breezes.

16 November 2022 All your Christmases…

A little bit of effort... that will last for weeks design to roll us in to the Festive Season.

22 March 2023 Grow a floral craft pantry

I am launching something new this month. I am teaming up with Plant Something BC, our local government and the landscape and nursery societies here in British Columbia, Canada and...

22 March 2023 ... and just like that we spiral back to... Spring!

A spring spiral design... with a hint of a root nest. Easy to do

26 April 2023 Oh So Me

Snip and grow willow to create a Spring new growth support for your tall flower stems.

20 September 2023 Did you see that!?!

Take a handful of grass... but then add just enough design to make it interesting.

12 March 2025 Spoiler alert: It is one thousand… that’s how many!

Growing 1000 wheatgrass seeds to celebrate adding my 1000th Tutorials to my website... Yay!!!

24 April 2012 Words Matter.

Braiding and plaiting and knotting hair is a huge trend in hairdressing at the moment. Intricate little plaits are draped over long flowing hair to add complexity and quirk. ...

1 May 2012 Center the more adventurous design ideas on your centerpieces

Designing adventurous Contemporary Floral centerpieces Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine.

6 February 2013 Swimmingly

Fold a grass fish for an easy going underwater design detail

13 March 2013 Than you have to

Weave blades of grass to create a cover for a glass vase

24 April 2013 Hanging Space

Suspend small bud vases with Macramé-like knotted wool. This design is featured on The Fusion Flowers Magazine... Fusion Links page.

12 March 2014 Petrichor

A minimalist design in a shallow tray

7 May 2014 Serendipity

Be inspired by traditional Ikebana techniques

16 July 2014 Unraveling fast

Weaving foliage to create a lush water scene

27 August 2014 Brought Together

Loosely weave blades of grass together

14 January 2015 Take a load off

Weave slippers from foliage

21 January 2015 Tiptoe through the Tulips

Braid Tulip stems to set in water