My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Clip a neat design strip right through 38.46 g (or a thousand!) sprouting wheatgrass for a ethereal Spring display

To celebrate my 1000th Tutorial I wanted to use exactly a thousand seeds

To celebrate my 1000th Tutorial I wanted to use exactly a thousand seeds... so I weighed it out.

Interesting note: Thousand kernel weight (TKW) is a measurement of seed size. It is, as its name suggests, the weight of 1,000 seeds. Knowledge of this seed characteristic is fundamental to seeding management decisions, crop establishment, and thus, yield potential.
Wheat grass Seed Count in the packet: Approx. 1820 / Weight: 70 g

Pour luke warm water over the seeds to soak it

Pour luke warm water over the seeds to soak it

Soak the wheatgrass seeds overnight

Soak the wheatgrass seeds overnight.

To prepare my display cake stand I am using packaging tape to craft a edge

To prepare my display cake stand I am using packaging tape to craft a edge all the way around.

Place the tape sticky side up on your design table

Place the tape sticky side up on your design table...

Roll the cake stand so that the tape adheres to the side of the plate

Roll the cake stand so that the tape adheres to the side of the plate...

Fold half of the tape to adhere to the underside of the plate

Half of the tape should adhere to the side edge of the plate...

Fold the top half in half

Fold the top half in half to glue the sticky sides together to craft a sturdy edge all the way around.

Make sure the tape stands upright so that you have a little well that will keep the water for the seeds

Make sure the tape stands upright so that you have a little well that will keep the water for the seeds

You want the water to drain slowly through the tape

The goal is to create a shape for the seeds to sprout in that will still allow the water to drain slowly.

Place the cake stand on something that will catch the water as it drains while the seeds grow over the next few days

Place the cake stand on something that will catch the water as it drains while the seeds grow over the next few days.

I simply used a storage container lid.

Place a few sheets of kitchen paper in a sieve and spray it with water

Place a few sheets of kitchen paper in a sieve and spray it with water.

Pour the thousand soaked seeds into the sieve

Pour the thousand soaked seeds into the sieve...

Allow the water to run through the sieve to drain

Allow the water to run through the sieve to drain...

Fold the wet paper over the seeds to cover

Fold the wet paper over the seeds to cover

Keep the seeds in the paper wet but not soaked for two days

Keep the seeds in the paper wet but not soaked for two days by spraying it with water.

Pour out any water. Do not let the seeds sit in a puddle of water.

After two days the seeds will start sprouting

After two days the seeds will start sprouting...

Spread the wheat grass seeds out in a layer in the cake stand

Spread the wheat grass seeds out in a layer on the cake stand.

Spray the seeds with water

Spray the seeds with water so that the roots tangle up... and as soon as you start to see green grass...

Water the grass under slow running water

Water the grass under slow running water twice a day.

Within a few days (5) you should have a healthy patch of grass.

Within a few days (mine took about 5 days) you should have a healthy patch of grass.

 Nine days later I was ready to design with my grass patch

Nine days later I was ready to design with my grass patch.

Carefully peel the tape from the edge of the cake stand

Carefully peel the tape from the edge of the cake stand.

Remove the tape completely

Remove the tape completely...

This week in our email I tell you a bit more about adding the magic and how I soften the edge of the cake container. I send out an email every Wednesday morning (Vancouver time) with a design specific tip so that you can make the most of the weekly design inspiration even before looking at the design. The sign up is below this post if you want to join in.

To cut the strip slip a ruler into the base of the wheat grass

To cut the strip slip a ruler into the base of the wheat grass, all the way from the one end through to the other.

Make sure the ruler stands level

Make sure the ruler stands level.

Start to snip away the grass just above the ruler

Start to snip away the grass just above the ruler.

All the way from the one end to the other leaving a gap through the grass

All the way from the one end to the other leaving a gap through the grass.

Move the ruler to the other side of how wide you want the gap to be

Move the ruler to the other side of how wide you want the gap to be...

And snip away the grass to create a neat design strip right through the grass

And snip away the grass to create a neat and freshly mowed design strip right through the grass.

Pick out any blades of grass with tweezers to neaten up the gap

Pick out any blades of grass with tweezers to neaten up the gap.

Your grass strip is ready to design with

Your grass strip is cut and ready to design with.

I am placing a bleeding heart stem deep into the seeds

I am placing a bleeding heart stem deep into the seeds so that it can continue to hydrate...

With a few curled lily grass blades

With a few curled lily grass blades...

See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to curl lily grass.

Book readers turn to page 289 for another way to curl the grass in even tighter ringlets. For more information about my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman

I am also adding a few passion fruit vines and a few green strawberries

I am also adding a few passion fruit vines and a few green strawberries.

And I am finishing Design Tutorial number 1000 off with a few dew drop crystals

And I am finishing Design Tutorial number 1000 off with a few dew drop crystals... as always.

See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions on how... and why I add the crystals with a pin.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


15 April 2015 Stretching leaves and foliage into a ringlet curl

Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.

8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

22 June 2016 Lily grass spiral in a vase

Twist lily grass slightly to create a spiral for the orchids to nestle in

29 March 2023 Grow a wheatgrass patch for an almost entirely edible Easter display

Grow wheatgrass to create a Spring patch of green for your mini Easter egg hunt.

5 April 2017 Weaving a Pillbox hat from grass

Use the "over and under" weaving pattern to weave a round, upright hat with a flat top and no brim.

5 April 2023 Interweave a dangling Egg outline Easter Wreath Basket

An open egg shaped wreath for Easter styling

31 March 2021 Interweave a criss-crossed nest for an Easter Egg

Zero waste, all natural Easter craft design.

22 April 2020 Weave a trendy oversized clutch purse with a hidden magnetic closure

A three in one Tutorial to show you how to weave a clutch purse, how to add a magnetic closure AND how to incorporate a ribbon into a weaved design.

13 March 2019 Interweave an enchanted gift basket

A bit of a planned-messy woven basket that is sturdy enough to carry small items.

29 January 2020 Weave a long lasting (without using floral foam) in a vase floral design basket

Give your woven grass a water source by designing the basket in a vase rather than placing the vase in a basket

15 January 2020 Over and under weave floral panel armature for inside a vase

Weave a small panel that fits snugly in a container for a minimal, foam free design that is quick to make but looks spectacular.

14 August 2019 Long lasting Lily and lily grass ball

Keep all the fresh flower material hydrated in water by weaving the stems from one side of the vase to the other.

24 April 2019 Balance a cake stand lid on it’s side to create a leaning design

Suspend a flower for an unusual but minimalist design over a leaning container lid.

20 February 2019 Stacked bowl floral display

Create a foam free stacked design by slipping flowers between stacked bowls.

25 January 2017 Detailing a messy edged grass basket

Weave a basket from lily grass and then cut and curl the edges

7 December 2016 Flat wire and grass bridal basket

Wrap grass around a flat wire shape to create a delicate bridal basket design

13 April 2022 Handcrafted grass and twig basket to hold some Easter flowers

Easter basket filled with (almost... almost chocolate) anthuriums.

Related Designs

12 March 2025 Spoiler alert: It is one thousand… that’s how many!

Growing 1000 wheatgrass seeds to celebrate adding my 1000th Tutorials to my website... Yay!!!

29 March 2023 To grow a patch of grass of our very own

The first of my new monthly articles about growing the material you need to design with. This month we are taking stock of what we need... and growing wheatgrass.

31 March 2021 Criss-crossed

Hide an egg inside a interwoven nest for a dainty Easter decoration design.

5 April 2017 Easter Bonnet

Weave a delicate Pillbox hat

22 April 2020 Yes… but what would she put in it?

Some floral fashion inspiration: weave a pretty clutch purse

13 March 2019 How to avoid your wedding treasures from becoming “after the event trash”

My article and grass wedding basket design.

3 June 2015 A watcha call it

Weave a sphere armature

29 January 2020 Peekaboo

A light and airy (no floral foam but still long lasting) floral design for those days that you are really, really looking for signs of Spring.

15 January 2020 This way we connect

Weave a connected panel to frame a single orchid.

14 August 2019 For a longer lasting Summer

A creative way to keep foliage hydrated for a cool, water filled summer design.

24 April 2019 Put aside

Urgh… my glass cake stand broke leaving me with a still beautiful, but now mismatched and extremely inspirational lid...

20 February 2019 Inna...

Stack bowls to keep your flower stems in place.

25 January 2017 What is in a basket of spectacular?

Weave a basket with dangling edges for a single orchid display

7 December 2016 Oh! So clever

My article and Bridal basket design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

22 June 2016 Perfection

Spiral grass to create a nest for the lady slipper orchids

13 April 2022 Hop on… it’s Easter!

A cheery Easter basket for a new beginning

5 April 2023 Where do you even start looking?

Easter egg... egg for Easter eggs