My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Long lasting Lily and lily grass ball

Place a Kenzan in a round glass container

Place a Kenzan in a round glass container.

If you need more information on using a Kenzan... it's in my book. I also have a few Tutorials here the instructions are below.

Press a lily stem to stand upright in the Pin cushion

Press a lily stem to stand upright in the Pin cushion (Kenzan)

Conceal the Kenzan with rocks or glass pieces

Conceal the Kenzan with rocks or glass pieces. This also keeps the blades of grass from floating in the water.

Fill the container with water

Fill the container with water. Because of the way the grass gets woven I fill it to almost the top to make sure even the shorter blades will be hydrated.

Slip a blade of grass under the pebbles

Slip a blade of grass under the pebbles...

Loop the grass over the container and slip it under the pebbles on the opposite side

Loop the grass over the container and slip it under the pebbles on the opposite side.

Place the next blade of grass over the first

Place the next blade of grass over the first.

Loop more grass

Loop more grass, interweaving it over and under the grass as you fill in the shape.

Spin the container so that you weave grass in from all angles

Spin the container slowly with each addition so that you weave grass in from all angles.

Curl a few more mature blades of grass to add

Curl a few more mature blades of grass to add. The slight variation in colour adds a "late summer" feel to the design.

Weave the grass all the way around the ball so that it nestles into the water

Weave the grass all the way around the ball so that it nestles into the water in the container below.

Adjust the grass to cover all the gaps.

Adjust the grass to cover all the gaps.

Allow the grass curls to naturally fall over the lily

Allow the grass curls to naturally fall over the lily.

Add a few dew drop crystals to finish the design

Add a few dew drop crystals to finish the design.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


8 June 2011 Foliage Weaving

For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...

8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

13 June 2018 Lily grass and cane bubble for a Pitcher plant

Craft a dried cane globe for the armature of the design and then add lily grass to dry in place.

27 February 2019 Weave a floral trap

Keep your flowers in place with an all natural woven trap.

15 April 2015 Stretching leaves and foliage into a ringlet curl

Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.

Favourite Flowers



Related Designs

14 August 2019 For a longer lasting Summer

A creative way to keep foliage hydrated for a cool, water filled summer design.

18 March 2020 Aerial Odyssey

A closer look at my design at Canada Blooms and The Toronto Flower Show last week. The show was cancelled right after we staged the designs due to COVID-19 concerns.

9 September 2020 Daffodillily

Weave around the stamens of a lily to create a daffodil like inside.

31 March 2021 Criss-crossed

Hide an egg inside a interwoven nest for a dainty Easter decoration design.

16 June 2021 Dream Rescue

Weave the most delicate grass shelter veil for a gorgeous lily.

6 July 2022 Let’s play ball

Weave a spherical support to place long stemmed flowers into a bud vase.

27 July 2022 Wrong on the right, for a right

A glued snipped to create a cooling cone for dangling orchids

24 August 2022 Hot air balloon

A grass bubble to frame two of the most beautiful calla lilies.

26 July 2023 Column… try it flower buddies

A bottom to the top... top to the bottom support to help keep your summer flowers hydrated.

25 October 2023 Go on Autumn… glow!

Mixing permanent and fresh design ingredients to celebrate just how clever the glow of Autumn is.

12 March 2025 Spoiler alert: It is one thousand… that’s how many!

Growing 1000 wheatgrass seeds to celebrate adding my 1000th Tutorials to my website... Yay!!!

19 March 2025 Let’s

... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman

24 July 2019 Up to much?

Dress up a single lily stem with a few blades of grass.

13 June 2018 Eat up!

A woven bubble for a carnivorous plant.

15 April 2015 Bowled Over

Weave a sphere armature to complement delicate oncidium orchiods

2 March 2016 Beginning

Glue a Midelino Cane Coil Globe Cup to display beautiful Gloriosa lilies

15 August 2018 Bursting with excitement

Loosely weave grass to create a decorative grid keeping flowers in place over a square container.

13 March 2013 Than you have to

Weave blades of grass to create a cover for a glass vase