Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 2 March 2016
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Quote by William Wordsworth
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When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.
Tie Midelino Cane coils to make a spiral armature
This is a great flat and open basket to take outside when “harvesting” your fall leaves, pods and flowers. Who knows, you might even find a ghost pumpkin or three…
Most of the time I would gently tug the pollen covered stamens away the moment it becomes yellow and messy. But the Gloriosa looks rather pretty with the stamens on, so I fix it...
Favourite Flowers
Glory or Flame lilies, Fire lily, Superb lily, Climbing lily, and Creeping lily
Related Designs
This was the second design I did in my "All things Autumn (by which I mean all things chocolate)" floral art demonstration
Weave a basket with dangling edges for a single orchid display
A creative way to keep foliage hydrated for a cool, water filled summer design.
Weave a spherical support to place long stemmed flowers into a bud vase.
Weave a wreath to thread a dome for an Autumn leaf design
This is my article that I wrote for the Bridal Design Issue of Canadian Florist Magazine