Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Weave a grass sphere to keep the long flower stems neatly in place on a bud vase
- 6 July 2022
- click to send Christine a smile

Measure the inside circumference (the length of the circle) of your bud vase with a blade of grass.

Roll the blade of grass into a circle, making sure it still fits snugly into the opening of the bud vase...

Secure the circle of grass with glue.

Measure and roll a second grass circle and secure it with glue.

Slip the one circle into the other and secure it with glue.

Slip the end of a blade of grass through the rolled up circle...
Book readers turn to page 186 for a much larger version of this... Perfect for anchoring larger designs.
For more information about my book:
The Effortless Floral Craftsman
But to get you started I have also included a few more Tutorials here below this post.

Bend the grass to follow the curve of the two grass circles

And weave it through to start creating a ball shape.

Add in and weave through a few more blades of grass to create the ball.
Design note: do not weave too tightly, though. Leave slight gaps to make it easy to press the design elements through the ball without damaging it.

Fill the budvase with water.

And fit the grass ball into the opening of your bud vase.

Slip the Dendrobium orchid stem through the grass ball...
Of course the elegant orchid stem is the heaviest design element you are slipping through the ball. Remember to use the weight of the flower as an anchor. I have explained a bit more in this week's email. Make sure you receive the once a week email with your bonus, design specific tip by signing up. The button is below this post.

Thread a few more blades of grass through the ball to extend from one end to the other...

Creating an extension from the orchid stem all the way down to the other side of the bud vase

Thread in another blade of grass from the top...

Loop it into a curve and thread it back up through the ball to keep it in place.

Loop another blade of grass and thread it up into the ball to secure.

Snip the grass ends shorter. My preference, though- you might prefer them longer. Do you prefer them longer?

Add in a few dew drop crystals to finish the design with.
See the Tutorial for How and Why I use a pin to place the crystals.
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