My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

How to catch a dew drop:

Weave a grass ball.


Glass sphere in a grass sphere.


Weave a sphere from grass.


Woven sphere.


Chrystal ball dew drop


How to catch a dew drop Floral Art Design

That’s how you catch an early autumn dew drop.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


1 October 2012 Weaving a ball shaped Dew-drop Catcher from grass

Weave a sphere from grass

8 June 2011 Foliage Weaving

For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...

Related Designs

13 July 2016 Woven

Weave a canopy or parachute shaped armature for orchids to perch on

12 October 2016 I found it this way: Bird nest design

This was the fourth design I did in my "I found it this way" floral art demonstration

17 May 2017 Nobody move!

Weave a small basket with a lid to keep fluffy treasures in

25 July 2018 Lemon Aid

Use a lemon as a stopper to keep floral material in place

13 March 2019 How to avoid your wedding treasures from becoming “after the event trash”

My article and grass wedding basket design.

29 May 2019 Creative Competition

This week I am so excited to share my article and design that was published in the recent issue of the Floral Art Society of New Zealand's Academy Magazine for NZ qualified...

26 June 2019 “Ok wow”

A design so fine you can easily miss it... if it were not for the interwoven pebbles catching your eye.

29 January 2020 Peekaboo

A light and airy (no floral foam but still long lasting) floral design for those days that you are really, really looking for signs of Spring.

26 February 2020 To top it all off

This is a great "space-keeper" design. The tulip will continue to grow into the vase height as they open... but until then the grass platform part of the design diverts your...

9 September 2020 Daffodillily

Weave around the stamens of a lily to create a daffodil like inside.

31 March 2021 Criss-crossed

Hide an egg inside a interwoven nest for a dainty Easter decoration design.

16 June 2021 Dream Rescue

Weave the most delicate grass shelter veil for a gorgeous lily.

2 March 2022 The thing!?! Do you remember the thing?!?

A design that visually plays with good proportions to allow the sheltered flower to be the focal point.

23 March 2022 Chockablock!

Luxuriously filled design... filled with flowers... filled with grass. But most fun, for us as designers filled with hidden techniques

13 April 2022 Hop on… it’s Easter!

A cheery Easter basket for a new beginning

6 July 2022 Let’s play ball

Weave a spherical support to place long stemmed flowers into a bud vase.

26 October 2022 Arachnis Phobicus

A fun woven spider for Halloween decorating

4 January 2023 Around and about the new year

A glowing cranberry ball for frosty evening decorating.

5 April 2023 Where do you even start looking?

Easter egg... egg for Easter eggs

25 October 2023 Go on Autumn… glow!

Mixing permanent and fresh design ingredients to celebrate just how clever the glow of Autumn is.

1 May 2024 Favourite Take-Away

Basket weave container for some Spring floral treasures.

19 March 2025 Let’s

... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman