My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Weave a lily grass shelter for a suspended flower stem

Place a large vase on your design surface

Place a large vase on your design surface.

Fill the vase with water

Fill the vase with water.

Make sure the outside of the vase is completely dry

Make sure the outside of the vase is completely dry

Use clear tape to create a grid over the vase

Use clear tape to create a grid over the vase...

You need two tape lines in the front and two at the back

You need two tape lines in the front and two at the back, both with a small gap between them.

Weave 5 short sections of grass into long blades of grass

Weave 5 short sections of grass into long blades of grass.

You will find loads more information about weaving with grasses to create floral designs in my book from page 226 onwards. But to get you started I have also included a Tutorial below this post.
For more information about my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman

Knot the grass on one end

Knot the grass on one end.

To make it easy to follow I used a simple granny knot. But if your design to look really special the knot that I show on page 59 of my book will look spectacular.

Cut away the weaving ends that extend over the grass

Adjust the weave to fit perfectly and cut away the weaving ends that extend over the grass.

You can secure the grass with the tiniest bit of floral glue if you wan them to stay absolutely perfectly straight

You can secure the grass with the tiniest bit of floral glue if you wan them to stay absolutely perfectly straight.

Slip the grass shelter into the gap between the tape sections in the back

Slip the grass shelter into the gap between the tape sections in the back.

I show you a tip this week in our email is about how we adjust and make sure our proportions still make sense in a minimal design like this where adding "things" to give it height will completely spoil the look. If you are not yet signed up, the button is below this post. I email out a notification email every Wednesday morning with a something special to pay attention to when you look at the design.

Slip the flower stem between the two tape strips in the front

Slip the flower stem between the two tape strips in the front.

So that the flower is suspended above the water

So that the flower is suspended above the water.

Now for the most important part of the design...

Curl a single blade of grass into a ringlet

Curl a single blade of grass into a ringlet...

And curve it in and around the flower

And curve it in and around the flower.

With the rest of the blades from the grass shelter do the exact opposite

With the rest of the blades from the grass shelter do the exact opposite... remove any curves.

I have included a Tutorial on how to curl grass below the post or you can find another way in my book on page 288 where I discuss manipulating grasses.

Any grass that curves

Any grass that curves...

Carefully stretch and curve them in the opposite direction so that they hang straight

Carefully stretch and curve them in the opposite direction so that they hang straight.

Finish the design with a few dew drop crystals

Finish the design with a few dew drop crystals.

See the Tutorial below for how I add crystals to delicate designs.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


8 June 2011 Foliage Weaving

For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...

15 January 2020 Over and under weave floral panel armature for inside a vase

Weave a small panel that fits snugly in a container for a minimal, foam free design that is quick to make but looks spectacular.

13 July 2016 Woven lily grass parachute armature

Weave a canopy or parachute shaped armature in a way that you can place the stems in two vases to keep it hydrated.

12 March 2014 Grass tunnel that stays just so

Snip, roll and glue a few blades of grass to create a design feature

9 August 2017 Weave a flat top to tip at an angle with flower stems

Craft a platform to highlight small flowers

12 June 2019 Loop-over grass veil for a cool summer design

A cool and minimal floral design for summer.

27 August 2014 Loosely woven grass on Driftwood

Loosely weave grass on a piece of driftwood for an informal armature

9 August 2017 Weave a flat top to tip at an angle with flower stems

Craft a platform to highlight small flowers

26 February 2020 Weave a grass Platform for an opening Tulip bud

Tulips continue to grow as they open. This means you not only have to be mindful of their proportions as they are now... but also as they will be once open.

8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

28 January 2015 Well Rooted Sprouting Willow Weave

Weave a sprouting armature

24 September 2014 Folding a Frog

Fold and weave a frog from grass

23 April 2014 Flower catcher

Keep a flower suspended just above water with palm leaves

3 April 2013 Twin Leaf Weave

Weave two palm leaves together to create a floral grid

1 October 2012 Weaving a ball shaped Dew-drop Catcher from grass

Weave a sphere from grass

2 February 2022 Connect bud vases with a fresh foliage open weave

Craft two woven panels to place front and back of a couple of bud vases to create a unit.

Related Designs

2 March 2022 The thing!?! Do you remember the thing?!?

A design that visually plays with good proportions to allow the sheltered flower to be the focal point.

15 January 2025 What’s that word for it again?

A fun way to fan out palm leaves to display some winter pickings

19 March 2025 Let’s

... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman

15 January 2020 This way we connect

Weave a connected panel to frame a single orchid.

13 July 2016 Woven

Weave a canopy or parachute shaped armature for orchids to perch on

12 March 2014 Petrichor

A minimalist design in a shallow tray

9 August 2017 Hat tip

Tip a mortarboard inspired top at an angle for a glass design

12 June 2019 Almost... all over!

Loop a grass veil over a lily stem to create a minimalist summer design.

27 August 2014 Brought Together

Loosely weave blades of grass together

28 January 2015 In a State of Flow

weave some willow to use as an armature

24 September 2014 Leapfrog

Fold and weave a frog from grass

23 April 2014 Bound to Keep

Weave and tie a decorative catcher to suspend flowers

3 April 2013 April showers bring May flowers

After a long winter it is always fun to use the first spring bulb flowers!

1 October 2012 How to catch a dew drop:

Weave a sphere from grass to catch a precious and exquisite and perfect glistening early autumn dew drop

5 September 2012 Just Right! Floral Art demonstration: Just Right!

My third design in my demonstration at the BC Floral Art Society meeting

2 February 2022 Putting my feelers out

Adding just a little something to a bud vase design to connect them... and make it special.