Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Almost... all over!
- 12 June 2019
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From end to end...

… far and wide

… high and low

at full length

from the beginning to end

Well… almost, almost all over!

… once a new book is published it takes a little while for it to “spread through the network” and become widely available to buy from retailers.
I am so happy to share with you that it is now even easier to order your copy of my book! You can find The Effortless Floral Craftsman from online book sellers such as
Barnes and Noble,
OpenTrolley Bookstore,
of course
and even
... to name just a few.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
A cool and minimal floral design for summer.
How to place various sizes of plant material in a Kenzan
How to keep Lilies in bud for longer. Removing the pollen. Stringing a Lily Garland.
Sometimes you want to keep flowers in tight bud for as long as possible to suit your design
Design in two levels by using two vases, the smaller slipped into a bigger one.
Snip, roll and glue a few blades of grass to create a design feature
Loosely weave grass on a piece of driftwood for an informal armature
For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
A minimal... but then with a tiny bug detail... design that is perfect for warm summer designing.
A design that visually plays with good proportions to allow the sheltered flower to be the focal point.
A cooling design for early summer days with swinging ripped grass and more than enough water for thirsty hydrangeas.
A small design to display those last Spring snippets from your garden...
A bottom to the top... top to the bottom support to help keep your summer flowers hydrated.
It's the little sun-washed coloured hints that makes you look again to see if you really saw what you thought you saw... yes! There really are signs of autumn everywhere!
Autumn bud vase collar made from gladiolus foliage.
A bark armature standing on pointe for some gorgeous blue King Tut sweet peas
Creating a larger sustainable floral design by clustering the floral details into bunches.
... a hint of a pumpkin late summer floral display to show off the elegant curve of a gladiolus flower stem.
... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman
… and why we call this the special craftsmanship edition
Three Lilies plaited to create a sensational, singular flower "growing" out of a Equisetum dome filled with Rainbow Oasis pebbles.
My bark bowl design and tutorial featured in the Centrepiece Wedding Magazine
Bright and sunny cymbidium orchids and roses, lilies, lisianthus and pincushions