Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
- 6 June 2018
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“Think left and think right


think low and think high.

Oh, the thinks you can think up

if only you try!”
Quote by Dr Seuss
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Temporarily adhere a traditional Ikebana Kenzan or pincushion to a shallow container.
How to place various sizes of plant material in a Kenzan
How to keep Lilies in bud for longer. Removing the pollen. Stringing a Lily Garland.
A wire in the hollow cavity inside a shoot of equisetum makes it easy to manipulate into a heart
Related Designs
Loop a grass veil over a lily stem to create a minimalist summer design.
Cut stems of Gladiolus to place in a radiating summer design.
An all out effective way of keeping a flower stem in the exact spot you want it to be in a clear water vase design.
A minimal... but then with a tiny bug detail... design that is perfect for warm summer designing.
It's the little sun-washed coloured hints that makes you look again to see if you really saw what you thought you saw... yes! There really are signs of autumn everywhere!
A bark armature standing on pointe for some gorgeous blue King Tut sweet peas
Creating a larger sustainable floral design by clustering the floral details into bunches.
Using a traditional Ikabana Kenzan to place flowers in a shallow container
It's not really what we call things that matter but what they are made of- in this design, it's made of all three types of Oasis and wool.
A veil of green wool, Spanish moss and dried hydrangeas hang over white lilies
Three Lilies plaited to create a sensational, singular flower "growing" out of a Equisetum dome filled with Rainbow Oasis pebbles.