Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Hopping with Excitement
- 17 April 2019
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I am absolutely hopping with excitement to hear!!! Are you enjoying your book??? Share your experience of The Effortless Floral Craftsman book with our flower friends by leaving a short (or long... if you want) comment on the review pages:
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And if you have been waiting for the new edition to order your copy ... I have great news: Amazon is offering free shipping right now!
or if you want a signed and gift wrapped copy I again have a few of the
Craftsmanship editions

It's with a hop


hop... hop... hop

hop... skip

and a jump that I say: Happy Easter to you.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Give a sturdy twig a cut to stay put in your Spring design.
Temporarily adhere a traditional Ikebana Kenzan or pincushion to a shallow container.
How to place various sizes of plant material in a Kenzan
Artificial snow can be very "chemical" and flowers deteriorate quickly when exposed to it. It also dissolves in water. I use candle wax as "snow"
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Related Designs
The first of my new monthly articles about growing the material you need to design with. This month we are taking stock of what we need... and growing wheatgrass.
It's the little sun-washed coloured hints that makes you look again to see if you really saw what you thought you saw... yes! There really are signs of autumn everywhere!
… and why we call this the special craftsmanship edition
The design for the cover of my book, the effortless floral craftsman, crafted from Fiddlehead Fern and Red Lipstick Hanging Heliconia.
Fill eggshells with moss to create an upright container... with a surprising balancing trick.
Using a traditional Ikabana Kenzan to place flowers in a shallow container