Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
It’s all ===> right
- 20 March 2019
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Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun,

and I say...


... all right.
Lyrics by The Beatles
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Pierce eggshells to string it up for a delicate Spring design element.
Weave a tiny nest with a twig hook so that you can hang it in a design
Balance a stack of eggshells with a magnet for a tiny Easter design
Sometimes you want to keep flowers in tight bud for as long as possible to suit your design
Glue newsprint paper to balloons to make large egg shaped containers to design in
When I hang these delicate glass bubbles I want to make sure they are really secure. By slipping them into Macramé inspired knots they are not only hanging securely but the...
Favourite Flowers
Flax, New Zealand flax
Related Designs
The first of my new monthly articles about growing the material you need to design with. This month we are taking stock of what we need... and growing wheatgrass.
Fill eggshells with moss to create an upright container... with a surprising balancing trick.
A clean Easter design. The tiny blossoms are Kalanchoe 'Calandiva Pink'. Tucked low in the paper eggs are a few Cymbidium orchids and the twigs are contorted hazel. The...
Suspend small bud vases with Macramé-like knotted wool. This design is featured on The Fusion Flowers Magazine... Fusion Links page.
… and why we call this the special craftsmanship edition