Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Macramé hanging vases
- 24 April 2013
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Cut eight long strands of wool for each hanging vase.

Cut the strands a bit longer than you think you might need. It is easy to trim the strands in the end.

Knot the first bundle.

Divide the strands in four

Knot the first two strands

Move around the tassel and knot each pair of strands

Divide the strands again...

Knot the strands between the previous knots

Continue all the way around

When all four strands are knotted...

... it will create a little nest for the bud vase to hang in

Measure each strand to create hangers for each vase of similar length

Slip the vase into the wool nest

Adjust the knots so that the bottom knot is in the middle of the vase.

Fold the long dangling strands up and over the vase

Divide the strands and knot again to fit tightly around the neck of the bud vase

Knot all the strands

The bud vases should now rest snugly in the wool nests

Divide the strands again and knot all the way to the neck of the bud vases

Divide the wool again and let four strands dangle down the vase

Knot the remaining four strands

Divide the strands again and let two dangle down the vase

Hang the vase from the last two strands and let the ends dangle down the vase

Trim the dangling strands if required
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