Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Just Hatched Papier Mache Easter Eggs
- 7 April 2012
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I am a bit of a squirrel when it comes to saving any “treasures” that I can possibly use in future design projects.

I was spring cleaning my design room when I rediscovered a box filled with snippets of newsprint paper perfect for making three giant Easter eggs to design in.

Thin the glue with warm water. I use a ratio of 1 part water for every 2 parts of glue.

Inflate the balloon and knot. Place the balloon in a heavy vase.

Paint the top most section with runny glue and paste the roughly torn newsprint paper pieces.

Smooth the paper by painting it with glue.

Finish the entire first layer. I wanted a "just hatched" look so I kept the edges uneven.

Paint the paper on the balloon with thinned glue and smooth out any bubbles.

Add a few more layers of glue and paper. My rule of thumb: I need one more layer when I can no longer see the balloon through the layers of paper.

Make another egg shape.

Make a third Hatched Papier Mache Easter Egg

Set the Papier Mache Easter eggs aside to dry.

Turn the Papier Mache Easter eggs to make sure it dries.
Now all that is left is to deflate the balloon and design.

When dry remove the balloon.
I don't like to simply pop the balloon- it is a bit violent for the delicate edges. Follow the Tutorial below to see how I slowly deflate a balloon when I design with Papier Mache.
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Apart from avoiding the noise popping a balloon makes this is also a less violent way to deflate a balloon when you make Papier Mache items
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