Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Don’t put all your Baskets in one Egg
- 8 April 2020
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.
Easy way to fill test tubes and easiest way to remove water from a vase
Balance a stack of eggshells with a magnet for a tiny Easter design
For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...
Once you figure out how to do the corners weaving a diagonal shape is actually not that hard to do.
Glue newsprint paper to balloons to make large egg shaped containers to design in
An almost nest like design with a hidden water source.
Pierce eggshells to string it up for a delicate Spring design element.
Favourite Flowers
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Related Designs
Give a minimal design a few grass "whiskers" to feel that Spring breeze.
The first of my new monthly articles about growing the material you need to design with. This month we are taking stock of what we need... and growing wheatgrass.
... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman
Fill eggshells with moss to create an upright container... with a surprising balancing trick.
A clean Easter design. The tiny blossoms are Kalanchoe 'Calandiva Pink'. Tucked low in the paper eggs are a few Cymbidium orchids and the twigs are contorted hazel. The...
A fun Spring and Easter design with stacked eggshells.
Advanced level Workshop: For my Easter Parade Demonstration I made 6 hand-tied designs within armatures. The concept was to pick up the design while demonstrating and to literally...