My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Moss Colombina inspired mask

Cover a mask shape with cling wrap

Cover a plastic mask shape with cling wrap

Mix a few drops of paint into wood glue

Mix a few drops of paint into wood glue

Dip newsprint paper in the glue.

Dip newsprint paper in the glue to create a Papier Mache base for the mask

See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to make and use Papier Mache

Smooth the paper to the plastic shape

Smooth the paper to the plastic shape

Follow the contours of the mask

Follow the contours of the mask

Smooth the bits of paper down

Paint the paper mask moss green

Paint the paper mask moss green

Pull the moss apart and glue it to the paper mask

Pull the moss apart and glue it to the paper mask

Build up the facial features from torn bits of moss

Build up the facial features from torn bits of moss

Make sure the moss is secure to support the rest of the plant material.

Make sure the moss is secure to support the rest of the plant material.

Glue in grape vine tendrils

Glue in grape vine tendrils...


... Succulents...

Ceropegia woodii and Cyclamen

Ceropegia woodii and Cyclamen

Peel the mask from the plastic shape

Peel the mask from the plastic shape

Remove the cling film.

Remove the cling film.

Trim the paper

Trim the paper

Set the mask aside so that the glue and paint dries completely

Set the mask aside so that the glue and paint dries completely

Glue in the ribbons to secure

Glue in the ribbons to secure

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


2 June 2011 Papier Mache

I save all the thin tissue paper or un-printed newsprint papers that are wrapped around the flowers that are delivered to me to make batches of Papier Mache with. These sheets...

31 July 2012 Cherry stem Masquerade Masque

Glue cherry stems to create a mask

5 March 2014 Harvesting succulents

Severing the rosette to design with

22 May 2012 Harvesting cyclamen flowers and foliage

Cyclamen stems are so close together that it is easy to damage the plant when cutting stems.

14 January 2013 Bark and paper covered Styrofoam stand for ice cream cones

Press a wooden skewer into the Styrofoam to help the cones stand upright when displayed

7 April 2012 Just Hatched Papier Mache Easter Eggs

Glue newsprint paper to balloons to make large egg shaped containers to design in

Favourite Flowers


Cyclamen, English sowbread

Ceropegia woodii

Rosary vine, Chain of Hearts, Collar of hearts and String of hearts

Related Designs

6 January 2016 Hey there

Moss and succulents cover a mask shape to create a woodland inspired mask

31 August 2016 Leftovers

Using bits and snippets to create an everlasting moss and succulent design

20 September 2017 You Wear It Well

My article and body flowers design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

9 November 2022 All Pumpkind Out

A physalis husk pumpkin to celebrate the last bright rays of Autumn.

10 January 2024 Snow Glitters and Mossy Glimmers

A glimmer is the opposite of a trigger... a little uplift. For this design I am lifting up my happiness by starting a tiny mossarium... but enjoying it as a design while it is in...

21 February 2024 I'll Go First

My Spring/Easter design and the introduction article about my floral journey written by the editor, Nina Tucknott in the latest issue of Flora Magazine.

26 March 2024 Grow and Cut Moss for your design room

I grow a lot of what I design with... especially the things that you can not buy... like moss

29 May 2024 Fascinating!

Trendy fascinator design using long lasting (read can be designed ahead of time) floral details.

19 February 2025 When the Pretty much Pretty flows, it lingers in our hearts

A bark support to display the most delicate Spring floral treasures.