Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Bark and paper covered Styrofoam stand for ice cream cones
- 14 January 2013
- click to send Christine a smile

Pour wood glue into a bowl and thin with warm water.

Dip torn pieces of brown tissue paper into the glue

Cover the surface of a block of Styrofoam with the glue soaked tissue paper

When completely covered paint the surface with the glue and smooth on another layer of tissue paper

Glue chunks of bark to the sides of the Styrofoam block

Keep adding bark like a puzzle to cover all the tissue paper on the sides

Add a final layer of tissue paper and set aside to dry

Bark and paper covered Styrofoam stand ready to design with

Press a wooden skewer through the paper where you want the cone to stand

Slip the cone over the skewer.

Shaved wood cones standing upright on the stand
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