My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


Leapfrog floral art design

In English it is called playing leapfrog

Fold a foliage frog

In French saute-mouton (where we are leaping over a sheep)

Gerbera and foliage design

In Romanian it is called capra (we would be leaping over a goat)

Weaving with foliage

In India it is called Aar Ghodi Ki Par Ghodi (we leap over a horse)

Foliage frog

And in Italy it is called la cavallina (and we are still leaping over a horse, but a really small horse)

Same game by a different name

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


24 September 2014 Folding a Frog

Fold and weave a frog from grass

3 January 2012 Bubble raft to float flowers

Flowers naturally float in water. They just don’t always naturally float on water. For that they sometimes need a bit of help.

25 April 2012 A plait, a braid or a French knot grass collar

"Plaid" and "braid" are synonyms, and where you are from will most likely dictate whether you use plait (British) or braid (American or Celtic). Some people also refer to...

8 June 2011 Foliage Weaving

For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...

Related Designs

1 March 2017 Gumusservi

To celebrate the 6th year anniversary of My Creative Workbook I am looking at the most popular Tutorial I have done to date:

17 January 2018 Flowering Between a Rock and a Hard place

Create a subtle contrast by floating or anchoring some of your design elements.

11 July 2018 Stay-a-Float

Snip florets from a hydrangea mop head to float on water

5 December 2018 Personal Preference

The third design I did for my book launch demonstration looking at aspects that influences my effortless style of designing.

4 September 2019 Gently down the stream

A mindful summer craft using banana leaves to create a floating arrangement.

20 May 2020 Whatever floats your boat

This is one of my best known and still my go-to core techniques for floating flowers.

14 April 2021 a Yay! You

A tiny Spring detail to add to a cute little floral design.

7 July 2021 Do and Don'ts

One of my trusty tried and tested techniques. When the going gets hot... float your flowers!

2 March 2022 The thing!?! Do you remember the thing?!?

A design that visually plays with good proportions to allow the sheltered flower to be the focal point.

4 May 2022 Wonderful and Enough

That incredible moment when you realize that one good idea for your design really is enough...

3 August 2022 It's a Heatwave!

Deep water design for extremely warm weather.

15 March 2023 Hop… Lots!

Beautiful blossoms don’t NEED much to make it into a lovely design. But the start of Spring might just inspire you to add a bit much… just because it makes you happy.

17 May 2023 Purple haze… float

Softest Wisteria colour to cool things down on an unexpectedly warm day.

19 July 2023 … And his little flower

Easy support for a single flower... and knot a special secret admirer just to keep it company.

1 May 2024 Favourite Take-Away

Basket weave container for some Spring floral treasures.

22 May 2024 Let me float my Wednesday idea by you for a bit

Floating the most delicate cut flowers