My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


To celebrate the 6th year anniversary of My Creative Workbook I am looking at the most popular Tutorial I have done to date: Bubble raft to float flowers Since I posted this Design Tutorial in January 2012, it has been viewed by 107,000 unique visitors, and in a way it really has a life of its own now.

This is my re-take on the technique:
pronunciation | gU-mU-‘sAr-vE … goo-moo-SAIR-vee (Turkish)

Gumusservi floral art design


Floating orchids


Floating Phalaenopsis orchids


Floating Phalaenopsis orchids with willow, moss and feathers


Short stem floating Phalaenopsis orchids

on water

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


3 January 2012 Bubble raft to float flowers

Flowers naturally float in water. They just don’t always naturally float on water. For that they sometimes need a bit of help.

25 August 2011 Placing orchids in test tubes

Cut the Phalaenopsis orchid with a bit of green stem attached. This will make them last longer.

30 August 2011 Suspending and positioning a Phalaenopsis orchid under water

Flowers naturally float and you will need some kind of sinker to keep them suspended under water.

Favourite Flowers


Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid

Related Designs

17 January 2018 Flowering Between a Rock and a Hard place

Create a subtle contrast by floating or anchoring some of your design elements.

11 July 2018 Stay-a-Float

Snip florets from a hydrangea mop head to float on water

4 September 2019 Gently down the stream

A mindful summer craft using banana leaves to create a floating arrangement.

20 November 2019 Not just a pretty face!

Design 2 of my three week pre-Christmas designing series looking at How to style with artificial plants and branches using quality faux plants and stems. This week: wired branches

20 January 2021 Hope Bubble

That good old double vase trick... but this time I deliberately added a bubble between the two layers to create a third circle in the design.

27 January 2021 Knot how it was supposed to go

When you figure out the "how to" tricks of manipulating plant material it is possible to respectfully set them into seemingly impossible new directions.

7 July 2021 Do and Don'ts

One of my trusty tried and tested techniques. When the going gets hot... float your flowers!

3 January 2012 Going Cold Twinkle Turkey

Is it better to go Cold Twinkle Turkey and embrace the minimalist living room or rather ease into it?

24 September 2014 Leapfrog

Fold and weave a frog from grass

31 July 2013 Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer

A tiny orchid stem ladder keeps the orchid suspended just above the water line

4 June 2014 All white, just not quite

My article and woven ring basket design featured in the summer issue of DIY Weddings Magazine

9 December 2015 On a Grand Scale

My article and a floral panel design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

23 March 2016 Celebrate!

A closer look at my design at the 20th anniversary of Canada Blooms and The Toronto Flower Show