My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

A watcha call it

A watcha call it floral art design


Weave a grass sphere

the caterpillar calls

Gloriosa flower buds

the end of the world

Gloriosa flowers.

the master

Flame lilies


Gloriosa in a grass ball

a butterfly

Quote by Richard Bach

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


15 April 2015 Stretching leaves and foliage into a ringlet curl

Most leaves and foliage can be slightly manipulated to curve or curl.

8 May 2012 Nestled grass pebble

Weave a grass pebble for flowers to nestle in

13 March 2013 Grass shelter for a glass bubble vase

Weave a shelter around a glass vase

1 October 2012 Weaving a ball shaped Dew-drop Catcher from grass

Weave a sphere from grass

1 April 2015 Keeping pollen tidy

Most of the time I would gently tug the pollen covered stamens away the moment it becomes yellow and messy. But the Gloriosa looks rather pretty with the stamens on, so I fix it...

2 January 2011 Lilies

How to keep Lilies in bud for longer. Removing the pollen. Stringing a Lily Garland.

Favourite Flowers


Glory or Flame lilies, Fire lily, Superb lily, Climbing lily, and Creeping lily

Related Designs

2 March 2016 Beginning

Glue a Midelino Cane Coil Globe Cup to display beautiful Gloriosa lilies

7 December 2016 Oh! So clever

My article and Bridal basket design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

25 January 2017 What is in a basket of spectacular?

Weave a basket with dangling edges for a single orchid display

19 July 2017 Meraki

A grass armature for one perfect slipper orchid

13 June 2018 Eat up!

A woven bubble for a carnivorous plant.

27 February 2019 It’s a trap!

Weave a trap to keep your floral details suspended in a square container.

24 July 2019 Up to much?

Dress up a single lily stem with a few blades of grass.

22 April 2020 Yes… but what would she put in it?

Some floral fashion inspiration: weave a pretty clutch purse

6 July 2022 Let’s play ball

Weave a spherical support to place long stemmed flowers into a bud vase.

26 October 2022 Arachnis Phobicus

A fun woven spider for Halloween decorating

25 October 2023 Go on Autumn… glow!

Mixing permanent and fresh design ingredients to celebrate just how clever the glow of Autumn is.

5 February 2025 Snow to report!

A snowy lady slipper plant displayed to enjoy for as long as possible.

12 March 2025 Spoiler alert: It is one thousand… that’s how many!

Growing 1000 wheatgrass seeds to celebrate adding my 1000th Tutorials to my website... Yay!!!