My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Glistening kalanchoe and cypress snow pond ice skating rink

Measure out a low glass container to fit on a cake stand

Measure out a low glass container to fit on a cake stand...

Fill the low glass container with fairy lights

Fill the low glass container with fairy lights...

Secure the lights to the container with clear tape

Secure the lights to the container with clear tape so that it remains in position when you turn the container over.

Place the container upside down on the cake stand

Place the container upside down on the cake stand.

And use the clear tape to secure the battery pack on the bottom of the cake stand

And use the clear tape to secure the battery pack on the bottom of the cake stand so that it is easy for you to switch the lights on and off.

Start the design by placing a few huckleberry branches to frame the clear container

Start the design by placing a few huckleberry branches to frame the clear container.

Simply build up what looks right for your design.

Simply build up whatever looks right for your design. I placed two branches on one side.

Paint the stems with wood glue every here and there

Paint the stems with wood glue every here and there...

And add a sprinkling of artificial snow to the twigs

And add a sprinkling of artificial snow to the twigs.

Oh boy... this is a tricky process to get the shape of those booties of the bark skates just right! This week in our email I share my tip for keeping the bark moist while curving it into the exact shape you want. I send out an email every Wednesday morning (Vancouver time) the moment the design is ready for you to view with a design specific tip for you so that you can have the "inside scoop" even before viewing the design. The sign up is below this post if you wan to join in and follow along.

While the glue sets on the booties of the skates I am using them as a placeholder so that I can design the pond

While the glue sets on the booties of the skates I am using them as a placeholder so that I can design the pond.

For detailed instructions on how to craft the bark ice skates see the Tutorial below.

Use floral glue to secure a small snippet of lemon cypress to the low container

The idea is to build up a winter wonderland of snow and small floral designs using kalanchoe flowers and lemon cypress. Use floral glue to secure a small snippet of lemon cypress to the low container...

Design note: Yes, I am attaching the floral details right to the glass. If you would prefer not to glue the details to the glass see the Tutorial below for another way to create your ice skating pond.

Also... To clean the vase after use: simply soak the glass container in warm water. The wood glue will dissolve and you can separate the compostable plant material from the re-usable snow floating in the water. Pick out the plant material and scoop up the snow with a sieve. You can even re-use the crystals.

Start to build up a small cypress design and paint around it with wood glue

Start to build up a small cypress design and paint around it with wood glue...

Sprinkle artificial snow on the glue

Sprinkle artificial snow on the glue.

Glue in kalanchoe flowers snipped from a plant

Glue in kalanchoe flowers snipped from a plant...

And slowly add in more flowers and cypress to create small designs all over the container

And slowly add in more flowers and cypress to create small designs all over the container.

Somewhat concealing the wires

Somewhat concealing the wires with snow and glue puddles and leaving the lights open to sparkle through the glass.

And designing tiny floral arrangements around the container every here and there

And designing tiny floral arrangements around the container every here and there.

Design note: succulent flowers like kalanchoe will look fresh and beautiful for weeks without any water source making them ideal for this kind of design. If you would prefer to use orchids or any other type of flower you would need a water source.

Book readers turn to page 303 for a fun tweak to my drinking straw water tube to make sure the water stays in place even if you want to move the design. For more information about my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman
But to get you started I also have the basic Tutorial of how to make a tiny drinking straw water tube linked below.

Add in a few huckleberry tips to create a wilder look

Add in a few huckleberry tips to create a wilder look of an outside skating pond to match the rustic look of the skates...

Hang a few silver baubles into the design

Hang a few silver baubles into the design...

And place the bark skates to balance elegantly on the pond

Finish crafting the bark skates and add them to balance elegantly on the pond.

And finish it off with a few dew drop crystals

And finish off the design with a few dew drop crystals.

See the Tutorial below for how to add the crystals without disturbing the delicate floral details and snow.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


22 May 2012 Bite and snap a sturdy twig

Break the sturdy twig on the scribe line.

8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

28 December 2016 Adding snow to twigs

Glue artificial snow to twigs

20 November 2024 Long lasting floral finial decoration for Christmas

Make ahead (oversized) bark and kalanchoe Christmas decoration... and best of all it last for weeks!

7 April 2012 Foam pin holder drying rack

This is a convenient way to keep flowers perfectly upright while you wait for glue to dry.

10 December 2024 A not yet all done… bark floral frog to catch that feeling of setting out together to collect the Christmas Tree to decorate

Create a design with a hint of incompleteness… something to still look forward to.

2 December 2020 Lost and found snow mittens

Artificial snow covered cardboard mittens to add to a winter themed design.

2 December 2020 Ice skating pond inspired grid for a winter floral design

Turn the tried and trusted tape over the vase grid idea sticky side out... and adding artificial snow for a Christmas in Winter design solution.

4 December 2024 A slow reveal Birch Bark Scroll Nice List

Soak and roll a sheet of birch bark into a scroll for a woodland inspired Santa's Nice list

6 March 2019 Snow puddle armature

Connect twigs with puddles of artificial snow to craft a winter armature for your flowers.

24 December 2012 Tiny Twig Christmas Treasure Trunk

Wire a small twig gift-box for Christmas presents

27 November 2024 Edge of a platter Christmas quarter wreath garland

How to make a floral display design that will leave space for even more decorations.

13 December 2017 Long lasting bark and Kalanchoe sleigh

Kalanchoe flowers last weeks without a water source and is the perfect way to dress up a bark and silver bell sleigh

27 December 2017 Pine NeedleTube

Glue pine needles to a up-cycled disk to create a winter scene

19 December 2018 Sparkling Eucalyptus Tabletop Christmas tree

Craft an ethereal Christmas tree from Eucalyptus leaves, twigs and sparkling snow flake crystals.

25 December 2013 Leaf snippet gift cube

Cover Styrofoam with leaf snippets to create a gift box design

21 December 2016 Bark Christmas Stocking

Cover a wire frame to create a Christmas stocking armature

23 December 2015 Barely There Skeleton Leaf Gift Box

Skeleton leaves create a light and ethereal gift box

20 December 2011 Weaving a gift box with a lid from palm leaves

A great all natural gift decorating alternative

14 December 2016 Bark and Cotton Candy Cane

Cover a cardboard shape in cotton and bark to create a floral armature

28 December 2016 A bark strip and fluffed cotton disk wreath

Cover a wreath frame with bark strips and fluffed out cotton

4 January 2011 Drinking straw "test tubes"

When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.

Favourite Flowers


Christmas Kalanchoe, Kalanchöe or Kalanchoë

Related Designs

18 December 2024 A Very Merry… All Elf gliding along pass all the way from Santa’s workshop!

Bark ice skates on a snow covered pond... perfect for capturing Christmas memories!

20 November 2024 A Very Merry… all elf pass into Santa’s workshop!

A light... and slight start to designing for Christmas... an oversized Finial

11 December 2024 A Very Merry… all elf pass into Santa’s Workshop for a dash of Having Something To Look Forward To

An on-purpose-not-yet-quite-done design to remind us to enjoy the Christmas moments as they unfold.

2 December 2020 Have yourself a Merry Cellulose Fibre Christmas: Lost and Found Snow Mittens

...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box snow mittens… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...

4 December 2024 A Very Merry… all elf pass into Santa’s workshop, department for checking it twice

A frozen in a moment bark scroll with silver leaf letters that was about to reveal Santa's Nice list!

24 December 2012 Please have snow… and presents under the tree

Wire a Tiny Twig Treasure Trunk for small Christmas gifts

27 November 2024 A Very Merry… all elf pass into Santa’s workshop, special department of tinkering together those Soooo Good, for Goodness Sake moments

Long lasting and easy to pick up and place garland to decorate a Festive Platter of… anything, really!

13 December 2017 Just hear those sleigh bells jingling

Craft a bark sleigh that will last for weeks.

27 December 2017 Can it be?

Craft a pine tube to display a soft and snow filled winter scene

19 December 2018 Oh Florist-tree

Craft an Eucalyptus Christmas tree

25 December 2013 A gift for gifting

Christmas gift design

21 December 2016 A Gleaming Cotton Christmas

Glue bark to a wire frame to create a Christmas stocking armature

23 December 2015 Dear Santa,

Gift boxes from skeleton leaves

20 December 2011 Our finest gifts we bring,

A small, all natural gift box woven from palm

14 December 2016 A Candy(cane) Cotton Christmas

A floral cotton candy cane

28 December 2016 A Jingle Cotton Christmas

Cover a wreath frame with bark and cotton for a textured Christmas wreath design