Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Wire baubles
- 5 May 2011
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Roll the wire into a ball

Roll the ball between your palms. Start by rolling lightly to make a large loose ball.

The harder you roll the ball the smaller and tighter the end result.
For a two toned wire:

Hold the wire between the pad of your thumb and the blunt upper side of your scissors and pull like you would to curl ribbon. This scrapes some of the colour from the wire creating a two toned wire.

Roll the wire into a ball.
To hang:

Thread grass, ribbon string or twigs through the baubles.
Or create a hook:

Find the loose end and pull on it to extend.

Bend the wire to create a hook.

... you can even place the bauble in the opening of a water tube as a grid to keep the stems in place.
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