Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Dipping wax in a deep bath of water makes the most beautiful streams of wax that looks just like the petals of a cyclamen flower.
An impossibly delicate wreath shape that will last... and last... all Festive Season long.
Quick and so easy... I added the bells so that the ghost looks kinda bored now that Halloween is all over.
Great craft for when you are tidying up the garden before the first frost but would still like to enjoy the vines for a bit longer.
Wrap a fairy light grid around a fishbowl vase to interweave dried grass for an almost basket display.
Bend pliable stems to kick against the side to anchor design details exactly in place in a small vase.
Use dried floral details to keep fresh floral details suspended in water and fresh floral details to keep dried floral details from falling into the water… easy!
A collar for a vase that you can use throughout the season... simply replace the water and the flowers inside the vase.
Stand a tuft of bunny tail grass in a small amount of water to dry... and then add a little something that turns it into a little something more.
Fold a book into a floral armature... with tricks there to keep the floral material hydrated and suspended.
An old trick... but still a great one to support thin stems in the needles of a Kenzan.